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Build Up Skills BRICKS - Building Refurbishment with Increased Competence, Knowledge and Skills

Intelligent Energy – Europe, 2013 Programme



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Duration: 30 months, from 1st September 2014 to 28th February 2017



The BUILD UP Skills BRICKS project aims at developing tools and methodologies to set up training systems to increase the knowledge, skills and competences of workers in the field of buildings refurbishment in order to intensify the introduction of Renewable Energy Sources (RES) and improve Energy Efficiency (EE) in the old as well as in the new buildings to reach Almost Nearly Zero Building (ANZB) stocks by 2020.
To achieve this important objective the main tasks of the project are:

  1. Develop qualification schemas based on the output of the Italian BUILD UP Skills Manual produced in Pillar one and on some pilot experiences developed in the last years in several EU projects.
  2. Identify the strategy to remove the obstacles detected in the BUS roadmap to promote VET (Vocational & Educational Training) qualification schema and certification criteria to meet the new requirements as, for instance, the onsite workers qualification schema, but also certification of non-formal and informal competences necessary to meet the request of RES and BPED directives.
  3. Promote/implement local good practices at national level
  4. Start the development of national standards (UNI/CEI) for the different workers profiles based on the EQF schemas and produce the first draft standards.
  5. Set up the certification procedure with accredited bodies
  6. Produce learning content to be shared among all the VET systems
  7. Promote the training of trainers and their qualification
  8. Promote pilot studies for training the workers on the construction sites
  9. Promote a quality label for the enterprises recruiting qualified workers
  10. Promote the endorsement campaign and a mutual recognition among the Italian regions and Italian chambers of commerce
  11. Promote mutual recognition with other European countries with other “pillar II projects” winners. It could be Germany where many Italian workers are employed and Romania where many workers come from.
  12. Activate a communication campaign at local, regional, national and European level to leverage public tender involved in the buildings  refurbishment
  13. Promote European and National events for “cross fertilization” effect.



Coordinator: Agenzia Nazionale per le Nuove Tecnologie, l'Energia e lo Sviluppo Economico Sostenibile (ENEA)


CS Aziendale (CSA)

Associzione Generale Cooperative Italiane (AGCI)

ITS Energia e Ambiente (ITS)

Archimedes181 S.r.l. (ARCHIMEDE)

Unione Italiana delle Camere di Commercio (UNIONCAMERE)

Istituto per la Promozione dell'Innovazione Tecnologica (ISNOVA)

Comitato Termortecnico Italiano Energia e Ambiente (CTI)

Ecuba Ltd (ECUBA)

Fondazione Lombardia per l'Ambiente (FLA)

Sviluppo Marche S.p.A. (SVIM)

Distretto Tecnologico Nazionale sull'Energia (DiTNE)

Rete Nazionale delle Agenzie Energetiche Locali (RENAEL)

Innovation and Training Advice (MESOS)

Agenzia CasaClima (CasaClima)


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Viale Elvezia, 12 - 20154 Milano
Tel. +39 02 266.265.1
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P.IVA 11494010157

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