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The study analyzed the possibility for ashes produced by biomass combustion to be used as fertilizer (closing of wood-energy sustainability circle).
Documents useful for the standardization of the reuse of biomass ashes for agricultural purposes were developed by examining the experiences of other countries and analyzing Italian biomass ashes (also studied with interaction with different kind of soil).
Results obtained are:
1)Analysis of biomass ashes content and interaction between ashes and soil
2)Demonstration that biomass ashes can be reused for agricultural purposes
3)Definition for guidelines for ashes distribution on terrain
4)Creation of a handbook dealing with information on biomass ashes managing, stocking and handling.
TCVVV spa– Teleriscaldamento Cogenerazione Valtellina, Valcamonica, Valchiavenna, www.tcvvv.it
CTI - Comitato Termotecnico Italiano, http://www.cti2000.it
CFAV – Consorzio Forestale Alta Valtellina, www.cfav.altavaltellina.org
KOBA srl – società di consulenza nel settore delle energie rinnovabili
Università Politecnica delle Marche – Facoltà di Agraria – www.unian.it
Vtt Energy – primaria organizzazione di ricerca finlandese su temi tecnologici forestali e combustione del legno, www.vtt.fi
Regione Lombardia Agricoltura – www.agricoltura.regione.lombardia.it
Stazione Sperimentale dei Combustibili di San Donato – collaboratore, www.ssc.it