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QUOVADIS - Quality Management, Organisation, Validation of Standards, Developments and Inquiries for Solid Recovered Fuels
Progetto EIE/031/S07.38597 sviluppato nell'ambito del Programma Intelligent Energy for Europe
Official web site: http://quovadis.erse-web.it/
Waste-to-energy Solid Recovered Fuels are prepared from non-hazardous waste. Their use is regulated under EU legislation and implies specifications for commercial or regulatory purposes. SRFs are seen as important contribution to a sustainable EU waste management. Directive 2001/77/EC includes in its scope the production of electricity from biomass, being defined as the biodegradable fraction of products, waste and residues from agriculture, forestry and related industries, as well as the biodegradable fraction of industrial and municipal waste. In this context the EC gave a mandate (M325) to CEN to develop and validate Technical Specification (TS) concerning SRF for energy recovery and to transform these TS into European Standards. To meet these requests, the consortium proposes a holistic validation programme covering quality management and the validation exercises for the pre-standards of CEN TC 343. Results dissemination and knowledge exchange in the enlarged EU is then envisaged.
QUOVADIS Project focuses on the requirements of Mandate M325, i.e. the organisation and evaluation of the validation and ruggedness tests for sampling, sample pre-treatment, and measurement Technical Specification (TS) according to the general principles of ISO 5725 . This includes also the preparation and distribution of 5 appropriate test materials. The work will include also a validation of the TS for Quality Management based on a cost-benefit analysis and of the TS for a SRF classification system.
The project considers also the endorsement of the new standards and the respective Acquis Communautaire in the new Member States. To this end, special emphasis is given the dissemination of the work results in the New Member States.
Thus, the project had three main objectives:
The following work items were produced:
Validation of measurement and testing TS
Dissemination of results and access to new markets in the AC