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Path: Home » Indice Pubblicazioni » Convegni ATI - Accesso riservato soci CTI » AA - 1996 Capri - Energy and Environment towards the year 2000 » Oxigenates and future gasoline
Autore: W. Mirabella
Collana: AA - 1996 Capri - Energy and Environment towards the year 2000
1. History of Oxyfuels
2. Octane properties
3. Vapour pressure
4. Water sensitivity
5. Oxigenates effect on exhaust emissions
6. European car fleet emissions
7. Practical evidence from the USA
8. Production of MTBE: how/who
9. Clarification of some strange ideas about MTBE
10. Aldehydes issue
11. MTBE heath effects
12. Fuel consumption
13. MTBE supply & demand
14. Gasoline specifications and “goods free movement” principle
15. MTBE blending cost
16. MTBE usage in Europe
17. European reformulation status: private initiatives
18. Tripartite program
19. European reformulation legislation
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