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Path: Home » Indice Pubblicazioni » Convegni ATI - Accesso riservato soci CTI » AA - 1996 Capri - Energy and Environment towards the year 2000 » Ultra low, and zero, noxious emission...
Autore: D. Dini
Collana: AA - 1996 Capri - Energy and Environment towards the year 2000
1. Hydrogen conversion of a gasoline car engine
1.1 Hydrogen injectors developed by ENEA
1.2 Test installation of the hydrogen feeding conversion
1.3 Electronically controlled gasoline/hydrogen supply system
1.4 Satisfactory results from bench testing
2. Hythane testing of an electronic injection car engine
2.1 Hythane
2.2 Hythane program as sponsored by ENEA
3. Nitrogen working fluid and H2-air external combustion
4. Zero noxious emissions combustion engine
5. Hybrid propulsion through H2 engine
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