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Adsorption of elemental and oxidized mercury vapor on activated carbon


Autore: D. Karatza, A. Lancia, D. Musmarra, F. Pepe

Collana: AA - 1996 Capri - Energy and Environment towards the year 2000

In this paper Hg0 and HgCl2 adsorption on Darco G60 activated carbon and on Na2S impregnated Darco G60 was experimentally studied in a laboratory scale apparatus.
The experiments allowed the determination of the breakthrough curves and of the adsorption isotherms for the four couples sorbent-sorbate considered. It was shown that the adsorption isotherms are of Langmuir kind. And the Langmuir parameters were evaluated. Furthermore a model based on the assumption that the adsorption process is kinetically limited was used to describe breakthrough curves, and good results were obtained from the comparison between experimental and model results.

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