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Combustion modifications for NOx reduction


Autore: G. De Michele, S. Pasini, S. Bertacchi, R. Tarli

Collana: AA - 1996 Capri - Energy and Environment towards the year 2000

According to the new legislation limits, Enel extending the modification program within its generating system, further retrofitting the existing combustion systems on the new units. Both in furnace and post combustion technologies will be applied.
For most of its coal fired units ENEL has already decided that high-dust SCR will be installed, even if combustion modifications plus in duct SCR could be considered for some applications. In this field ENEL is conducting an important demonstration project, financed by EU within the Thermie Programme, for the application of coal over coal reburning in a 320 MWe opposed wall-fired boiler.

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