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Path: Home » Indice Pubblicazioni » Convegni ATI - Accesso riservato soci CTI » AA - 1996 Capri - Energy and Environment towards the year 2000 » A simple method for assessing the ene...
Autore: A.B. Birtles
Collana: AA - 1996 Capri - Energy and Environment towards the year 2000
The paper propose a new method which may be used to appraise the relative energy efficiency of designs for new or refurbished buildings.
The method assert that the likely energy performance may be determined in a straightforward way by the total power rating of plant and equipment installed to achieve the specified indoor environmental conditions and the type and extent of monitoring and control equipment provided for management of that capacity.
Despite its simplicity the method promises to work well in practice. So far limited data from 6 full air conditioned buildings reveal a perhaps surprisingly good correlation between predicted and observed performance.
Further performance data for a wider range of buildings are now being collected.
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