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Path: Home » Indice Pubblicazioni » Convegni ATI - Accesso riservato soci CTI » CA - 62 - Fisciano 2007 » Improved model of a series hybrid sol...
Autore: P. Bauer, Z. Preitl, P. Gáspár, Z. Szabó, J. Bokor
Collana: CA - 62 - Fisciano 2007
Hybrid electric vehicles can stay for an alternative to conventional vehicles, as far as fuel consumption and emission reduction is concerned. Within the Leonardo Da Vinci framework of the European Commission, having the title “Energy Conversion Systems and Their Environmental Impact”, a prototype of a series hybrid solar vehicle was built at the University of Salerno, Italy. Based on vehicle data and papers published about the vehicle, an improved mathematical model of the hybrid is built up. The first aim of the model is to be used for optimization of the fuel consumption. In this sense, a dynamic model is created, based on matching the components. A non-linear model results, mainly due to the non-linear static characteristics of the components. A linearization is performed around a working point, and so a linear MIMO model results. Based on this model, different control algorithms can be used for fuel optimization.
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