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Path: Home » Indice Pubblicazioni » Convegni ATI - Accesso riservato soci CTI » CA - 62 - Fisciano 2007 » Optimization of wavy fins by means of...
Autore: D. Copiello, G. Fabbri
Collana: CA - 62 - Fisciano 2007
In the present work, we investigate the optimization of the heat transfer from wavy fins cooled by a laminar flow under conditions of forced convection and from a multiobjective point of view. The problem is addressed by means of a finite element method which allows to compute the temperature distribution inside the fins and it permits to determine the temperature and the velocity distributions in the coolant under conditions in the coolant under conditions of imposed heat flux. The fins profile is then optimized by means of a suitable multiobjective genetic algorithm which ain to find the geometries that maximize the heat transfer and, at the same time, minimize the hydraulic resistance. The geometry of the fins is described by means of a forth order polynomial function or either by a cubic spline.
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