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Path: Home » Indice Pubblicazioni » Convegni ATI - Accesso riservato soci CTI » AA - 1999 Genova - MIS - MAC – VI Metodi di Sperimentazione nelle Macchine » Problematiche relative alla misurazio...
Autore: G. Ferrari, M. Troilo
Collana: AA - 1999 Genova - MIS - MAC – VI Metodi di Sperimentazione nelle Macchine
In the Dipartimento di Macchine, Sistemi Energetici e Trasporti of Genova’s University a new plant is being built to realise several kinds of fluid-dynamic transients. This plant is suitable to study different phenomena in thermal system components occurring under certain operating conditions.
The components of the plant equipment are: two cylindrical acrylic tanks (one of then is able to stand absolute pressures up to 13 bar), same electric-valves and motorised-valves to control during the filling and the emptying operations, one pressure sensor, two temperature sensors and one water-level sensor. The data acquisition, control and elaboration system is realised by a computer equipped with suitable data acquisition boards.
The plant allows to analyse the thermal systems under not-steady conditions; the fluid-dynamic capacitances and inductances and the components having energetic storage can be considered. Typical transient situations that can be simulated are: the liquid level variations, the emptying at variable velocity, the stability of a pumping system (surging) and fast opening/closing. Moreover, this plant allows to calibrate the characteristic curves of regulation and interception valves.
A plant simulation program will made through the use of a lumped-parameters mathematical model where the water and the air are considered subject to mass, momentum and energy storage; the software utilised for the numerical solution is the Simulink/Matlab.
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