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Convegni ATI - Accesso riservato soci CTI

Misure di illuminamento naturale su superfici variamente orientate e confronto con metodi di calcolo


Autore: M. Cucumo, A. De Rosa, V. Ferraro, D. Kaliakatsos, V. Marinelli

Collana: CA - 60 - Roma 2005

Over 38,000 experimental data of hourly solar illuminance on horizontal and vertical surfaces have been measured at Arcavacata di Rende (CS) and compared with some calculation methods developed by Perez. The illuminance on the horizontal plane is well predicted by a Perez luminous efficacy correlation, and the illuminance experimental values on vertical planes show reasonably agreement with Perez methods. The authors propose some simplified method which gives predictions in a slightly better agreement with experimental data.

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