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Transient analysis of combined radiation-conduction heat transfer in a polycarbonate layer


Autore: A. Safavisohi, E. Sharbati, C. Aghanajafi, S.R. Khatami Firoozabadi

Collana: BT - 34 - Mag 06 - Energy: production, distribution and conservation

The transient thermal response of translucent materials is greatly affected by thermal radiation. Because of the complexities that transient analysis imposes, fewer works have been done on transient analysis of combined radiation-conduction hat transfer than those done on steady state. The two-flux method is used in this paper to analyze transient heat transfer of a polycarbonate layer. To this end, the implicit finite difference formulations are used to derive the discrete form of heat transfer equation, which is coupled with the equations of the two-flux method. Transient thermal response of a polycarbonate layer is obtained using the presented formulation and the radiative and conductive properties of polycarbonate available in the literatures. Effects of including radiation as well as effects of variation of reflectivity on transient of a polycarbonate layer are fully discussed in this paper.

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