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Three dimensional transient natural convection in horizontal channels heated from below


Autore: A. Andreozzi, B. Buonomo, O. Manca, S. Nardini

Collana: BT - 34 - Mag 06 - Energy: production, distribution and conservation

In this paper a numerical investigation on a transient three dimensional natural convection in air in a horizontal channel, with the lower wall heated at uniform heat flux and the upper wall adiabatic, is carried out. Results are obtained for two Rayleigh number values; they show how the fluid flow penetrates inside the channel and the main flow presents a C-loop pattern. For the analyzed configurations a complete C-loop is attained and temperature profiles and fields show the presence of secondary motions inside the channel. In fact, maximum wall temperature as function of the time points out periodic value and steady state regime is not reached.

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