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Numerical calculation of a row of jets in crossflow using K-ε, SST and RSM models. Comparison with the experiments


Autore: R. Dizene, O. Berkache, D. Cherrared, E.G. Filali, S. Benmansour

Collana: BT - 34 - Mag 06 - Energy: production, distribution and conservation

Cooling turbine blade is an immediate consequence of higher inlet temperature because this is the need for increasing the power output and thermal efficiency of gas turbine engines. Film cooling is commonly employed in order to provide effective blade protection and is realized by injecting coolant jets into the crossflow of hot gases from film cooling holes or slots, on the blade surface. The injected coolant is bent over by the crossflow and forms a film over the blade surface and protects the surface from the hot crossflow gases. The complex flow field produced by the interaction of the jet and the crossflow has been extensively studied and reported in literature.

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