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Path: Home » Indice Pubblicazioni » Convegni ATI - Accesso riservato soci CTI » BT - 34 - Mag 06 - Energy: production, distribution and conservation » Optimization analysis of radiative ef...
Autore: W. Braga
Collana: BT - 34 - Mag 06 - Energy: production, distribution and conservation
This paper describes the implementation of a multi-objective genetic algorithm to study the Radiative heat transfer inside greenhouses. The optimization problem involves three objective functions: the thermal efficiency, a heating function associated to the enthalpy flow that promotes the heat transfer in the cavity, and a restriction handled as another objective function associated to the specified value for the heat transfer at the upper half of the cavity vertical walls. There are four decision variables: the height of the cavity, the tube vertical location, its diameter and its temperature. Results indicate clearly the effectiveness of the methodology developed to find the Pareto set in all situations analyzed, provided some considerations are taken to smooth the influence of the randomic search associated to the first generation of the genetic algorithm. Finally, upon a project decision to conduct a local search on the solution having the higher thermal efficiency, a best solution may be indicated. Analysis of some physical situations is presented herein.
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