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Energy production throug distributed urban cogeneration systems


Autore: M. Reini, M. Casisi

Collana: BT - 34 - Mag 06 - Energy: production, distribution and conservation

The paper presents an optimization model of a distributed cogeneration system that is supposed to operate in a small size city, characterized by a high density of historical buildings in the city centre. The distributed urban cogeneration system is based on a set of micro-generation gas turbines, located inside buildings having the higher thermal energy demand, and the considered objective function is the Total Annual Cost for owning, maintaining and operating the whole system, taking the cost rate of gas and electricity into account to evaluate incomes associated to energy supplied to the external grid, as well as to evaluate the required integrations..
The thermal and electrical energy demand of the considered buildings is supposed to be known. In the calculations, data available form the municipality of Pordenone are taken into account.
The objects of the optimization model are:
· To define the number of micro turbines in each building
· To define “minimum” proper connections among units, in order to optimise energy consumption at low thermal load
· To define the operation strategy of the whole system.
To face the problem a Mixed Integer Linear Program is defined and solved by means of commercial software.

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