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Path: Home » Indice Pubblicazioni » Convegni ATI - Accesso riservato soci CTI » BT - 34 - Mag 06 - Energy: production, distribution and conservation » Study of vibrations on a savonius rot...
Autore: Z. Aouachria
Collana: BT - 34 - Mag 06 - Energy: production, distribution and conservation
The two-dimensional analysis method of the behavior vibratory of the Savonius rotor is presented. This work is divided into two parts. The first one is consists to an original experiment which has lied to the measurement directly of the pressure field on the blades of a rotating Savonius rotor. In the second part, the results are used in a generalized model for computing the efforts at the rotor supports. This investigation explains well the behavior vibratory of the rotor.
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