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Path: Home » Indice Pubblicazioni » Convegni ATI - Accesso riservato soci CTI » BT - 29 - Lug 05 - Come possono i cicli combinati soddisfare la flessibilità richiesta dal mercato? » Steam generator Reliability Under Cyc...
Autore: G. Gordon, G. Galli
Collana: BT - 29 - Lug 05 - Come possono i cicli combinati soddisfare la flessibilità richiesta dal mercato?
lt is widely that the power generation industry is facing significant challenges since the introduction of new electricity trading arrangement and the reduction in wholesale prices for electricity.
The profitability of generating plants is being severely squeezed and to meet variable demand, plants are being forced to operate outside the envelope for which they were originally designed. As a result there is an increase in plant defects and failures.
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