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Path: Home » Indice Pubblicazioni » Convegni ATI - Accesso riservato soci CTI » BT - 26 - Mar 05 - Energia da biomasse, biogas e rifiuti: opportunità da sfruttare alla luce del decreto legislativo 387/03 » Design specifics of high efficient bi...
Autore: A. Leuze
Collana: BT - 26 - Mar 05 - Energia da biomasse, biogas e rifiuti: opportunità da sfruttare alla luce del decreto legislativo 387/03
The utilisation of biomass is within the renewable energy production the option with the biggest rate of growth in the next years. Main focus will be the energy recovery from residues of the agriculture and forestry. But the resources of available biomass for producing energy is limited. So a maximum utilisation of the fuel is very important. The technologies that should be applied have to be efficient, stable and cost-effective. WIEN ENERGIE has considered this at their 23 Mwe biomass power plant project in Simmering/Vienna, Austria.
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