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Path: Home » Indice Pubblicazioni » Convegni Megalia Foundation - Download gratuito » FM - 2004 Sorrento - Third International Symposium - Energy and Environment » La direttiva UE 2002/91/CE e l'a...
Autore: G. Ioppolo, G. Saija, S. Chiricosta
Collana: FM - 2004 Sorrento - Third International Symposium - Energy and Environment
Il settore terziario-residenziale italiano, come quello a livello comunitario, occupa un ruolo importante nei consumi finali di energia; la Direttiva UE 2002/91/CE sul rendimento energetico nell’edilizia, approvata il 16 Dicembre 2002, rappresenta l’asse portante del nuovo modo di agire, dal punto di vista tecnologico, energetico ed ambientale. In quest’ottica un aiuto tangibile alla tecnologia di monitoraggio e di gestione del settore abitativo, a beneficio dell’abbattimento dei consumi energetici ed al perseguimento della certificazione energetica dell’immobile, può venire dal ricorso a tecnologie legate all’elettronica e alle telecomunicazioni, che vanno sotto la denominazione di “domotica”. Inoltre, l’attenzione verso l’efficienza energetica nelle varie sezioni (coibentazione, illuminazione, climatizzazione, sistema idraulico, elettrico, ecc), è necessariamente abbinata a quella della sicurezza attiva e passiva, volta all’innalzamento del livello qualitativo e al comfort dell’abitare. In tal senso il sistema domotico può divenire la soluzione ottimale rispondente agli obiettivi della Direttiva UE 2002/91/CE e della futura Legge Nazionale.
The EU directive 2002/91/CE on the energy performance of buildings, approved on 16 December 2002, represents the driving force behind a new approach in terms of technology, energy and environment.
Given how much of total energy consumption is accounted for by the residential and tertiary sector in Italy, it has become essential, in the term foreseen under the Directive, to introduce a methodology for calculating energy performance that sets out the performance requisites linked to a process for improving energy efficiency and technological advancement.
The course laid down at E. U. level imposes continuous monitoring through the introduction of regular inspections and energy certification of properties as crucial for achieving targets set. This, besides guaranteeing that attention is paid to the reduction of national energy consumption, becomes a significant parameter in establishing the value of a building on the property market and is therefore destined to take on a key role in the management of a building throughout its useful life.
In the adoption of the new provisions, the notion of a building itself is reinterpreted both in terms of the construction method to build the structure, by using materials with low environmental impact, as well as through innovative energy installations.
The energy efficiency of the various installations (insulation, lighting, heating and air-conditioning, water supply, electrical supply, etc) must be integrated with active and passive safety measures directed towards enhancing the quality and comfort of living space.
In this sense, a tangible support to the technology of property monitoring and management to aid the reduction of energy consumption may come from domotics, meaning technologies linked to electronics and telecommunications (home automation).
Domotics system may be viewed as an element redefining the function of a property and of social and healthcare services. This, by taking advantage of recent methods for implementing and managing technological installations deriving from the experience gained from industrial automation that have been simplified and tailored to the civil construction, employs CIB (Computer Integrated Building) technology, which enables the introduction of “smart management” of the building in energy saving terms, via a detailed appraisal of the energy account, which is useful for the energy certification of the building.
The assessment of the ratio between the costs (design, realization, maintenance and system management) and benefits (economic management, the comfort of occupants, safety, and profitable use of the building), in terms of the return on investment, must be weighed up against the innumerable advantages for property management, usage, savings and increase in real estate value.
Domotics considered overall could, in line with future national legislation, represent an beneficial element for savings in energy consumption in the field of civil construction.
Memoria Ioppolo.pdf (175 KB) |