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Path: Home » Indice Pubblicazioni » Convegni Megalia Foundation - Download gratuito » FM - 2004 Sorrento - Third International Symposium - Energy and Environment » Analisi del funzionamento stazionario...
Autore: F. Bozza, M.C. Cameretti, R. Piazzesi, A. Pontecorvo, F. Reale, R. Tuccillo
Collana: FM - 2004 Sorrento - Third International Symposium - Energy and Environment
Gli autori presentano uno studio preliminare sulle potenzialità di una micro turbina a gas,
che rientra nell’ambito di sistemi di generazione distribuita, con fini cogenerativi. L’analisi di
accoppiamento termofluidodinamico tra i componenti ha portato alla costruzione dei domini di
funzionamento, ovvero del luogo dei possibili punti operativi dell’impianto, nel caso in cui vengano
utilizzati diversi combustibili alternativi al gas naturale. Di seguito, partendo proprio dai risultati
ottenuti mediante questi calcoli, gli autori evidenziano, mediante un’analisi CFD della camera di
combustione, il comportamento della stessa al variare della miscela utilizzata e delle condizioni
operative. A tale scopo sono stati utilizzati codici di calcolo realizzati ed opportunamente modificati
all’interno del D.I.M.E. e un solutore fluidodinamico.
This paper examines the possibilities for a micro-gas turbine operation under a wide range
of thermal and mechanical load requirements.
The authors focus the attention on a partially recuperated thermal cycle based on a by-pass
option towards the heat recovery boiler, in order to adapt the gas turbine operation to increasing
needs of thermal output.
The increasing interest in the micro-gas turbine utilization for cogenerating applications
solicits the researchers to define the most effective systems for ensuring its satisfactory operation
within a wide range of operating conditions. As it is well established, the competitiveness of this
machine is mainly based on the possibility of both adopting a large variety of gaseous and liquid
fuels and meeting several requirements in terms of thermal to power output ratios.
On the other hand, the most up-to-dated technical trends indicate that an efficient baseline
configuration of the microgas turbine must mandatorily make use of recuperated cycles, in order to
compensate the lower firing temperature and pressure ratio levels, compared with those of heavy-
duty gas turbines.
A turbine off-design condition is induced by the modified firing temperature level and,
similarly, the compressor itself can be involved in stall or choking limits. This aspect will be
verified through an authors’ methodology which includes the compressor and turbine matching in
the cycle analysis, the latter referring both to conventional and to low LHV fuels obtained by bio-mass
or solid waste gasification.
Finally, a particular care will be addressed to the study of combustor off-design conditions.
The proposed regulation method produces significant changes in the air inlet temperature and in the
fuel to air ratio, both parameters affecting the actual flammability limits and combustion
development. This aspect will be examined through a CFD analysis whose main inputs are provided
by the above described cycle calculation. The combustor simulation, also including the pollutant
prediction, will therefore provide the ultimate information about the practical application of the
proposed regulation method for the micro-GT based cogenerating plant.
MEMORIA bozza 15,20.PDF (652 KB) |