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Autore: M. Macaluso
Collana: FM - 2004 Sorrento - Third International Symposium - Energy and Environment
L’Agenzia Napoletana Energia e Ambiente (ANEA) costituisce il focal point tra i principali attori della domanda e dell’offerta di energia nell’area metropolitana di Napoli. L'ANEA, nata nel 1997 grazie ad un finanziamento dell'Unione Europea, nell'ambito del programma SAVE II, svolge attività di informazione, formazione ed assistenza tecnica rivolta agli enti locali e alle imprese per la realizzazione di progetti innovativi nel settore energetico-ambientale.
Nell’ambito dell’attuazione della L.10/91, DPR 412/93 e s.m.i., l’ANEA coopera con alcuni enti locali della regione Campania, tra cui il Comune di Napoli, per la verifica degli impianti di riscaldamento tramite una campagna denominata “Operazione Caldaia Sicura”. Obiettivo dell’iniziativa è promuovere una corretta manutenzione degli impianti termici (autonomi e centralizzati) al fine di ridurre l'inquinamento, i consumi energetici ed aumentare la sicurezza degli impianti.
The Neapolitan Agency for Energy and the Environment (ANEA) constitutes the focal point for the principal actors in the supply and demand of energy in the metropolitan area of Naples. ANEA, set up in 1997 thanks to financial backing from the European Union, more specifically SAVE programme II, provides information, training and after-sales service to local authorities and companies for the realisation of innovative projects in the energy-environment sector.
In order to enforce laws in this field (L.10/91, DPR 412/93 DPR 551/99), ANEA co-operates with local authorities in Campania, including that of Naples, for the checking of heating systems through a campaign called “Operazione Caldaia Sicura” (Objective: Safe Boiler). The aim of the initiative is to promote correct maintenance of heating systems (individual and centralised) in order to reduce pollution and energy consumption and to increase safety. The initiative also provides socio-economic benefits: professional retraining for maintenance men, jobs for young professionals who will check heating systems on behalf of local authorities. This activity may be delegated to a firm specialised in the sector.
In 2002 the city council of Naples and ANEA started the first pilot phase. During this phase they established guidelines both for carrying out and certifying the checks of heating systems (including all paperwork) according to Italian law (art.11 DPR 412/93 ) and adopted a pilot scheme which involved checking 150 individual and centralised heating systems. Subsequently full speed regular checking was organised for the two-year period 2003-2004.
Since the city council chose to accept simple declarations from the people responsible for individual systems every two years, the following checks are carried out:
a) On samples for heating systems less powerful than 35 kW when a declaration that the check-up has been performed has been sent to the city council;
b) On all heating systems less powerful than 35 kW when no declaration has been sent to the city council;
c) On all heating systems 35 kW or over (centralised systems).
Between September 2003 and July 2004, ANEA examined about 1,000 systems.
In accordance with the law and the agreement with the city council, these figures include sample-testing of heating systems where a declaration had already been provided.
The Environment Office of the city council of Naples received 6,500 declaration in the two years 2001-2002
For the period 2003-2004 about 10,000 declarations have been sent in so far, the equivalent of about 6% of all existing individual heating systems in the area.
Memoria Macaluso ore 12.20.pdf (198 KB) |