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Path: Home » Indice Pubblicazioni » Convegni Megalia Foundation - Download gratuito » FM - 2004 Sorrento - Third International Symposium - Energy and Environment » Il progetto SERPENTE - Sistema Espert...
Autore: P.C. Brambilla, P. Girardi
Collana: FM - 2004 Sorrento - Third International Symposium - Energy and Environment
Il sistema elettrico dovrà essere nel prossimo futuro ammodernato. Questo ammodernamento dovrà riguardare i sistemi di generazione, la rete di trasporto e distribuzione e, non ultima, la struttura della domanda di energia elettrica. Interventi che agiscano sugli usi finali risultano più efficaci in quanto si ripercuotono su tutta la catena produttiva a monte.
In questo quadro CESI, nell’ambito dei fondi di Ricerca di Sistema , sta sviluppando un sistema esperto per il risparmio energetico.
Lo strumento, chiamato SERPENTE, permetterà di valutare quali tecnologie a basso consumo energetico sia conveniente promuovere o introdurre per raggiungere efficacemente gli obiettivi di risparmio prefissi. Il sistema metterà a disposizione: il calcolo del risparmio di energia elettrica e di energia primaria conseguito, la stima degli impatti ambientali dovuti all’introduzione delle nuove tecnologie (calcolati mediante Life Cycle Assessment) ed evitati grazie al mancato consumo energetico, valutazioni economiche (costi di investimento e manutenzione di apparecchiature o sistemi a basso consumo costi evitati per la generazione dell’energia elettrica non consumata) permettendo una analisi di sostenibilità delle strategie di risparmio energetico.
It is well spread the opinion that the Italian Electric System is going to be deeply modernized in the next future. Due to the fast growing power demand, the entire supply chain will change, needing more power plants (even though using more efficient and more environmental power generation systems), developing the electrical transportation and distribution net. On the other hand the electrical energy system cannot keep on growing forever, as it would became unsustainable.
Paying more attention to socio-economical evolution of the county, we will see that what is growing is not the demand of electricity but the demand of services that use electric energy. This means that Italy can face the growing demand of electricity not only building up new power plants but also using more efficient equipment and technologies for the final use.
In this framework CESI is developing a Decision Support System (DSS) aiming at giving awareness to decision makers on the environmental and economical implications of their energy saving plans.
The DSS, called SERPENTE, will give information on the available technologies for saving energy by means of consumption sector (civil, industrial, services) and location. Once the user has defined his own scenario (i.e. number of units for each technology) SERPENTE will calculate the amount of energy saved for single year and for the entire life of the technologies used.
From an environmental point of view the DSS will perform a Life Cycle Assessment of the energy saving scenario using the following impact categories: Emission of Green House Gasses, Air Acidification Potential, Ozone Depletion Potential, Photochemical Ozone Creation Potential, Water Eutrophication Potential, Hazardous and Generic Waste.
From the economic point of view SERPENTE will give information on the cost of investment for the whole scenario, the investment for energy saved (€/TOE), and the money saved due to the saved energy. The results of the analysis can be than used in a multi-criteria approach, for example using MCA tools developed in the framework of SESAMO, in order to rank different energy saving alternatives.
On these basis, we can conclude that DSS SERPENTE could be very helpful in understanding how energy saving strategies can support the sustainability of Italy. According to the concept of sustainable development SERPENTE allows decision makers to:
1. Define the problem by a multi-dimensional approach defining different and conflicting goals;
2. Look at the problem from different stakeholders points of view;
3. Analyse all the potential impact from “cradle to grave” of the entire system.
Memoria Girardi Cesi or#0EC.pdf (140 KB) |