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Analisi energetico-ambientale di celle a combustibile in assetto cogenerativo


Autore: P. Arcuri, G. Florio, P. Fragiacomo

Collana: FM - 2004 Sorrento - Third International Symposium - Energy and Environment

Le celle a combustibile sono destinate a svolgere un ruolo di primaria importanza nell’ambito della generazione distribuita e della cogenerazione in quanto le loro caratteristiche peculiari, relative agli elevati rendimenti di conversione energetica, al ridotto impatto ambientale ed alla flessibilità nell’uso dei combustibili, sono perfettamente in linea con gli obiettivi che si stanno perseguendo nel settore elettrico.
In considerazione di ciò, nel presente lavoro viene proposto un accurato confronto energetico-ambientale tra le tecnologie cogenerative tradizionali e le celle a combustibile in assetto cogenerativo.

Fuel cells are destined to play an important role in distributed generating and co-generating as their characteristics, particularly their high energetic output, reduced environmental impact and their flexibility in use as fuel, are perfectly in line with the objectives of the electricity sector.
As a result it is useful to give, in addition to a brief review of the state of the art of this technology, an analysis of the energetic and environmental potential of fuel cells in co-generating planning. In addition to completing the results already presented in a previous paper [1], a comparison with the co-generating technology currently available in the marketplace is made.
The analysis is based on the use of certain indices which characterize the energetic and environmental performance of the co-generation plants. The graphic representation of the variation in these indices as a function of the main parameters that characterize consumption itself, the relation between thermal and electric requirements and the electric power to be installed, give an effective reading of the potential of the cogenerating plants analyzed.

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