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Path: Home » Indice Pubblicazioni » Convegni ATI - Accesso riservato soci CTI » AA - 2004 Mexico City - Reducing The Impact of Vehicles on Air and Environment Quality in Cities » Air pollution policy in italian cities
Autore: G. Fumarola, G. Zerbo, I. Allegrini
Collana: AA - 2004 Mexico City - Reducing The Impact of Vehicles on Air and Environment Quality in Cities
At the end of the sixties Italy started, with some delay in the European contest, to attend to environmental problems and in particular to air pollution which had reached worrying levels both in industrialised area and cities. After more then thirty years of great efforts and visible good results achieved, in many cities local authorities have still to worry about air quality and to tackle with air pollution. This is the case of Rome and Milan, the largest cities in Italy, with a population respectively of about 2.5 and 1.2 million inhabitants, but also of many others relatively smaller cities. The same problem is also experienced in many other European cities.
Should those circumstances be considered as a tail of a slow and long process aimed to air pollution control which may have been undertaken too much late or a result of missed important aspects or of wrong forecasted aspects?
In any case, a critical overview of the main issues of air pollution policy and management, adopted in the last three decades in Italy, with reference to the current air quality situation in cities, may be a good example even for Mexico City metropolitan area, with nearly 20 million inhabitants, and for other cities in developing countries where air pollution problems are quite severe.
Even if, as for chemical plants, the reliability in scaling-up results from pilot plants (as Rome and Milan may appear in this instance) is as low as the scale factor is high, anyway conceptual and practical experiences, which led either to good or poor results, are always useful to know and to compare.
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