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CT 246 - Metodologie di prova e requisiti per mezzi di trasporto coibentati - Interfaccia CEN/TC 413 - Commissione Mista CTI-CUNA

Coordinatore CT: Sig.ra Minetto Silvia - Project Leader: Molinari Dario - Project Assistant: N.D. - Maggiori Informazioni

La risoluzione del BT n. C3/2013 ha trasformato il gruppo da PC a TC modificando titolo, scopo e affidandogli alcuni WI e attività del CEN/TC 113/WG 13 (vedere doc CEN/TC 413 n. 070 del 27/02/2013).

CEN/TC 413 - Insulated means of transport for temperature sensitive goods with or without cooling and/or heating device

Progetti in corso

Chiudi Tutti

Codice Workitem

Codice Norma

Titolo Originale

Scopo Originale



prEN 17893

Thermal road vehicles - Safety standard for temperature-controlled systems using flammable refrigerants for the transport of goods - Requirements and risk analysis process


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prEN 17066-2

Insulated means of transport for temperature sensitive goods - Requirements and testing - Part 2: Equipment


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Progetti abbandonati

Chiudi Tutti

Codice Workitem

Codice Norma

Titolo Originale

Scopo Originale


Insulated means of transport for temperature sensitive goods - Requirements and testing - Part 1: General



Insulated means of transport for temperature sensitive goods - Requirements...



Insulated means of transport for temperature sensitive goods - Requirements...



Insulated means of transport for temperature sensitive goods - Requirements...



Insulated means of transport for temperature sensitive goods - Requirements...


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