Organo Tecnico |
Titolo |
Data riunione |
CEN/TC 247/WG 04 |
Draft Minutes of the 4th meeting of CEN/TC 247/WG 4 “Open System Data Transmission” with participation of nominated CLC/TC 205 “Home and Building Electronic Systems (HBES)” experts on the topic “Smart Buildings”as a web meeting on 4th September 2023 |
04/09/2023 |
CEN/TC 247 |
Attendance list Berlin 20230420 |
20/04/2023 |
CEN/TC 247 |
Minutes Berlin 20230420 |
20/04/2023 |
CEN/TC 247/WG 04 |
Draft Minutes of the 58th meeting of CEN/TC 247/WG 4 held as hybrid meeting in Berlin, Germany on 2023-04-18/19 |
18/04/2023 |
CEN/TC 247/WG 06 |
Minutes of On Line Meeting 27th October 2022 |
27/10/2022 |
CEN/TC 247 |
Attendance list Virtual 20221014 |
14/10/2022 |
CEN/TC 247 |
Minutes Virtual 20220407 |
07/04/2022 |
CEN/TC 247 |
Minutes Virtual 2022.04.07 revised |
07/04/2022 |
CEN/TC 247/WG 06 |
Minutes of WG6 Virtual Meeting 6th April 2022 |
06/04/2022 |
CEN/TC 247/WG 04 |
Draft Minutes of the 56th meeting of CEN/TC 247/WG 4: 5-6 April 2022 |
05/04/2022 |
CEN/TC 247/WG 06 |
Minutes of On Line Meeting 11 january 2022 |
11/01/2022 |
CEN/TC 247/WG 04 |
Draft Minutes of the 55th Meeting of CEN/TC 247/WG 4 as Web Meeting on 2021-11-11/12 |
11/11/2021 |
CEN/TC 247 |
Minutes Virtual 2021.10.13 |
13/10/2021 |
CEN/TC 247/WG 04 |
Minutes Virtual_2021-10-13 |
13/10/2021 |
CEN/TC 247 |
Draft_Meeting_Report_Virtual_Meeting_2021.09.21final |
21/09/2021 |
CEN/TC 247 |
Draft_Minutes_of_the_33rd_plenary_meeting_of_CENTC_228_on_2021-09-02 |
02/09/2021 |
CEN/TC 247 |
WG__3_Minutes_Virtual_2021_Meeting |
02/09/2021 |
CEN/TC 247/WG 04 |
Meeting minutes for CEN/TC 247/WG 4 on 2021-07-09 |
09/07/2021 |
CEN/TC 247 |
Report Meeting of Task Force Evaluation Vienna Agreement 2021-06-08 Virtual |
08/06/2021 |
CEN/TC 247 |
Minutes Virtual 2021.04.15 |
15/04/2021 |
CEN/TC 247 |
Attendance list Virtual 2021.04.15 |
14/04/2021 |
CEN/TC 247/WG 06 |
Minutes of W6 Meeting 14 April 2021 |
14/04/2021 |
CEN/TC 247/WG 04 |
Draft Minutes of the 53rd meeting of CEN/TC 247/WG 4 as Web Meeting on 13th and 14th April 2021 |
13/04/2021 |
CEN/TC 247 |
Minutes Plenary Virtual 2020.12.03 |
03/12/2020 |
CEN/TC 247/WG 04 |
Draft Minutes of the 52nd meeting of CEN/TC 247/WG 4 as Web Meeting on 12th November 2020 |
12/11/2020 |
CEN/TC 247 |
Meeting_minutes_of_CENTC_228_meeting_on_2020-09-04_via_WebEx |
04/09/2020 |
CEN/TC 247 |
Attendance list Online 2020.04.23 |
23/04/2020 |
CEN/TC 247 |
Minutes Plenary Online 2020.04.23 |
23/04/2020 |
CEN/TC 247/WG 04 |
Minutes Plenary Online 2020.04.23 |
23/04/2020 |
CEN/TC 247/WG 06 |
Minutes of Web Meting 22 April 2020 |
22/04/2020 |
CEN/TC 247/WG 04 |
Draft Minutes of the 51st meeting of CEN/TC 247/WG 4 as web meeting on 21st & 22nd April 2020 |
21/04/2020 |
CEN/TC 247/WG 04 |
Minutes Plenary Virtual 2020-12-03 |
12/03/2020 |
CEN/TC 247/WG 04 |
Draft Minutes of the 50th plenary meeting of CEN/TC 247/WG 4: 14th to 15th November 2019 |
14/11/2019 |
CEN/TC 247 |
Draft Minutes of the 31st plenary meeting of CENTC 228 in Copenhagen Denmark on 4th September 2019 |
04/09/2019 |
CEN/TC 247 |
CEN-TC228 N1337 Draft minutes for the meeting of CENTC 228 held in Zagreb Croatia on 2018-09-13 |
13/09/2018 |
CEN/TC 247 |
Attendance List Oslo 2018.04.25-26 |
24/04/2018 |
CEN/TC 247/WG 06 |
Minutes of Paris meeting agenda 2018-01-25 |
25/01/2018 |
CEN/TC 247 |
Minutes of the 28th plenary meeting held on 1 and 2 March 2017 in Antwerp, Belgium |
01/03/2017 |
CEN/TC 247/WG 06 |
MINUTES Antwerp WG6 Meeting 28 February 2017 |
28/02/2017 |
CEN/TC 247 |
Minutes of the WG6 Meeting held form 18 to 20 April 2016 in Winterthur, Switzerland |
18/04/2016 |
CEN/TC 247 |
Attendance list Basel, Switzerland, 1-2 March 2016 |
01/03/2016 |
CEN/TC 247 |
Minutes of the 27th plenary meeting held on 2016-03-01 to 2016-03-02 in Basel, Switzerland |
01/03/2016 |
CEN/TC 247/WG 04 |
Draft Minutes WG4 on 2015-10-02 Vienna |
02/10/2015 |
CEN/TC 247/WG 04 |
Draft Minutes of the 41st meeting of CEN/TC 247/WG 4 held on 2 March 2015 in Paris |
02/03/2015 |
CEN/TC 247 |
Attendance lists of the meeting held in Ghent on 23-24 October 2014 |
23/10/2014 |
CEN/TC 247 |
Minutes of plenary meeting held in Ghent on 23-24/10/2014 |
23/10/2014 |
CEN/TC 247 |
Minutes of meeting held on 2013-09-26/27 in Vienna |
26/09/2013 |
CEN/TC 247 |
Attendance list Vienna |
26/09/2013 |
CEN/TC 247 |
Presence list of meeting held in Lucerne on 27/28-09-2012 |
27/09/2012 |
CEN/TC 247 |
Draft Minutes of the steering committee eu.bac - CEN/TC 247 meeting in Zug (CH) on 2012-06-21 |
21/06/2012 |
CEN/TC 247 |
Minutes of the 4th joint WG 3 and WG 6/PT 4 meeting held in Oslo on 2012-05-31 and 2012-06-01 |
31/05/2012 |
CEN/TC 247 |
Minutes of the 10th TC247/WG6 / PT3 Terminology & Symbols meeting on 2012-04-17 in Paris |
17/04/2012 |
CEN/TC 247 |
Draft minutes of the 13th CEN/TC 371 meeting in Brussels on 2012-03-26 |
26/03/2012 |
CEN/TC 247 |
Minutes of meeting held in Frankfurt on 20-21 february 2012 of joint WG 3 and WG 6/PT 4 |
20/02/2012 |
CEN/TC 247 |
Draft Minutes for the 35th meeting of CEN/TC 247/WG 4: Vienna, 2012-02-10 |
10/02/2012 |
CEN/TC 247 |
Minutes of the 3rd joint WG3 and WG6/PT4 meeting: Berlin, 2012-01-17/18 |
17/01/2012 |
CEN/TC 247 |
Minutes of the 2nd joint WG3 and WG6/PT4 meeting Frankfurt 2011-12-12 |
12/12/2011 |
CEN/TC 247 |
Report of meeting held on 2011-12-06 in Brussels |
06/12/2011 |
CEN/TC 247 |
Minutes of the 9th WG6/PT4 meeting in Berlin on 2011-11-07/08 |
07/11/2011 |
CEN/TC 247 |
Draft Minutes for meeting held in Berlin on 2011-10-20/21 |
20/10/2011 |
CEN/TC 247 |
Minutes of WG 6 meeting PT 3 held on 2011-09-06 in Paris |
06/09/2011 |
CEN/TC 247 |
Minutes of Meeting of WG 3 held in Frankfurt on 2011-09-02 |
02/09/2011 |
CEN/TC 247 |
Draft minutes of WG6 PT4 meeting hold in Frankfurt/Main on 2011-09-01 |
01/09/2011 |
CEN/TC 247 |
Draft minutes of the 34th meeting of CEN/TC 247/WG 4 held in Vienna on 2011-08-23 |
23/08/2011 |
CEN/TC 247 |
Minutes of the 7th WG6/PT4 meeting in Frankfurt/Main on 2011-06-06 |
06/06/2011 |
CEN/TC 247 |
Minutes of the 6th WG6/PT4 meeting in Frankfurt/Main on 2011-05-10 |
10/05/2011 |
CEN/TC 247 |
Draft minutes for meeting of the CEN/TC 371 Project Committee hold in Delf (NL) on 2011-05-04 |
04/05/2011 |
CEN/TC 247 |
Minutes of meeting of WG6 PT3 hold in Zug (CH) on 2011-04-19 |
19/04/2011 |
CEN/TC 247 |
Draft minutes of the 33rd meeting of CEN/TC 247/WG 4 held in Vienna on 2011-01-18 |
18/01/2011 |
CEN/TC 247 |
Minutes of meeting of WG 6 held on 15 december 2010 in Paris |
15/12/2010 |
CEN/TC 247 |
Draft Minutes of the 21st CEN/TC247 Meeting held in Stockholm (SE) on 2010-10-21/22 |
21/10/2010 |
CEN/TC 247 |
Draft Minutes of the 21st CEN/TC247 Meeting held in Stockholm (SE) on 2010-10-21/22 |
21/10/2010 |
CEN/TC 247 |
Minutes of the 2nd WG6/PT4 meeting in Frankfurt on 2010-09-08 |
08/09/2010 |
CEN/TC 247 |
Minutes of the Meeting of CEN/TC 247/WG3 held in Zug on 2010-07-08 |
08/07/2010 |
CEN/TC 247 |
Draft Minutes of the 20th CEN/TC247 Meeting held in Paris (DE) on 2009-10-29/30 |
29/10/2009 |
CEN/TC 247 |
Minutes of the 7th CEN/TC247/WG6 Meeting held in Paris on 2009-10-01 |
01/10/2009 |
CEN/TC 247/WG 04 |
Draft Minutes of the 31th CEN/TC247/WG4 Meeting held in Vienna on 2009-09-03 |
03/09/2009 |
CEN/TC 247 |
Draft Minutes of the CEN/TC247 – EUBAC meeting in Frankfurt on 2009-08-28 |
28/08/2009 |
CEN/TC 247 |
Draft Minutes of the CEN/TC247 – EUBAC meeting in Frankfurt on 2009-06-04 |
04/06/2009 |
CEN/TC 247 |
Draft Minutes of the Meeting of CEN/TC247/WG3 held in Schönaich/Stuttgart, Germany 2008-08-21/22 |
21/08/2008 |
CEN/TC 247 |
Draft Minutes of the 28th CEN/TC247/WG4 Meeting held in Regensburg (DE) on 2008-06-25 |
25/06/2008 |
CEN/TC 247 |
Draft Minutes of JWG-CLC TC 205 WG 13 - CEN TC247 WG4 Meeting Brussels on 2008-06-11 |
11/06/2008 |
CEN/TC 247 |
Draft Minutes of the Meeting of JWG-CLC TC 205 WG 13 - CEN TC247 WG4 held in Brussels on 2008-06-11 |
11/06/2008 |
CEN/TC 247 |
Minutes of 28th Meeting of JWG CEN/TC247?CLC/TC205 held in Varese on 2008-03-26/27 |
26/03/2008 |
CEN/TC 247 |
Draft Minutes Meeting of the JWG for functional safety and security of CLC TC 205/WG 13 - CEN TC247/WG4 held in Brussels on 2008-02-20 |
20/02/2008 |
CEN/TC 247 |
Draft Minutes of the 27th CEN/TC247/WG4 Meeting held in Vienna on 2008-03-12 |
12/02/2008 |
CEN/TC 247 |
Draft Minutes of the Meeting of CEN/TC247/WG3 Held in Zug at the Siemens Building Technologies, Switzerland 2008-02-07/08 |
07/02/2008 |
CEN/TC 247 |
Draft Minutes of the 19th CEN/TC247 Meeting held in Munich (DE) on 2008-01-23/24 |
23/01/2008 |
CEN/TC 247 |
Report from the ISO/TC 205/WG 3 meeting |
11/11/2007 |
CEN/TC 247 |
Draft Minutes of the 18th CEN/TC247 Meeting held in Oslo (NO) on 2007-09-03/04 |
03/09/2007 |
CEN/TC 247 |
Meeting Minutes eu.bac ETT OTC Task Group held in Frankfurt on 2007-06-26 |
26/06/2007 |
CEN/TC 247 |
Minutes of 26th Meeting of JWG CEN/TC247-CLC/TC205 held in London on 2007-06-14/15 |
14/06/2007 |
CEN/TC 247 |
Draft Minutes of the Meeting of CEN/TC247/WG3 held in Oslo/Lysaker at Standard Norge on 2007-05-21/2 |
22/05/2007 |
CEN/TC 247 |
Draft minutes of the 7th meeting of the CEN/BT/TF 173 Energy Performance of Buildings Project Group held in Berlin, Germany on 2007-05-22 |
22/05/2007 |
CEN/TC 247 |
Minutes of 25th Meeting of JWG CEN/TC247?CLC/TC205 held in Monastery of Weltenburg, on 2007-03-05,06,07 |
05/03/2007 |
CEN/TC 247 |
Draft Minutes of the 26th CEN/TC247/WG4 Meeting held in Vienna on 2007-02-22 |
22/02/2007 |
CEN/TC 247 |
Minutes of 24th Meeting of JWG CEN/TC247-CLC/TC205 held in Bruges (BE) on 2006-12-05/06 |
05/12/2006 |
CEN/TC 247 |
Minutes of the CEN/TC247/WG6 - 1st Editing Committee Meeting for prEN15500 held in Paris on 2006-11-13 |
13/11/2006 |
CEN/TC 247 |
Minutes of the 17th CEN/TC247 Meeting held in Krakow (PL) on 2006-10-23/24 |
23/10/2006 |
CEN/TC 247 |
Draft Minutes of the CEN/TC247 - EUBAC meeting in Frankfurt on 2006-09-12 |
12/09/2006 |