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CT 202 - Isolanti e isolamento - Metodi di calcolo e di prova (UNI/TS 11300-1)

Coordinatore CT: prof. Corrado Vincenzo - Project Leader: Martino Anna - Project Assistant: N.D. - Maggiori Informazioni

In questa sezione è riportata tutta la documentazione del Gruppo Consultivo o della Commissione Tecnica, suddivisa tra attività nazionale svolta direttamente e attività CEN e/o ISO svolta dalla CT in qualittà di Mirror Committee.

CEN/TC 089 - Thermal performance of buildings and building components

Progetti in corso

Chiudi Tutti

Codice Workitem

Codice Norma

Titolo Originale

Scopo Originale



prEN ISO 6781-2

Performance of buildings - Detection of heat, air and moisture irregularities...




prEN ISO 52016-5

Energy performance of buildings – Energy needs for heating and cooling,...




prEN ISO 12569 rev

Thermal performance of buildings and materials - Determination of specific...




EN ISO 10077-2:2017/prA1

Thermal performance of windows, doors and shutters - Calculation of thermal transmittance - Part 2: Numerical method for frames - Amendment 1 (ISO 10077 2:2017/DAM 1:2023)


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prEN 17990

Thermal insulation and energy economy in buildings - Method to determine the durability of bondings with adhesive tapes and adhesive masses for the establishment of airtight layers under climatic conditions representative for indoor environments


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Progetti abbandonati

Chiudi Tutti

Codice Workitem

Codice Norma

Titolo Originale

Scopo Originale


EN 15203

Energy performance of buildings - Assessment of energy use and definition of ratings

Energy assessments of existing buildings are carried out for various...


M03 - Energy performance of buildings - Methods for expressing energy performance and for energy certification of buildings

This standard defines: - ways of expressing energy performance of buildings...


M01 - Energy performance of buildings - Methods of assessment to be used for the energy certification of buildings

This standard defines: - Possible content of an energy certificate -...


prEN ISO 15927-2

Hygrothermal performance of buildings - Climatic data - Part 2: Calculation and presentation of climatic data for design cooling loads and risk of overheating

This standard specifies the definition, method of calculation and method of...


prEN ISO 15927-3

Hygrothermal performance of buildings - Climatic data - Part 3: Calculation of a driving rain index for vertical surfaces from hourly wind and rain data

This standard specifies a procedure for analysing hourly rainfall and wind...


CEN/TC 89 N 407

Thermal performance of buildings and installations - Classification of assumptions for temperature, load and energy calculation procedures

Text is not available


Building components and building elements - Examples of dynamic analysis methods and effect of surface temperature non-uniformity in-situ measurements

To address the description of some dynamic analysis methods and the effect of...


CEN/TC 89 N 678

Hygrothermal performance of buildings - Determination of the resistance to wind-driven rain - Roof systems with discontinuously laid small elements

This standard specifies a method for determining the resistance of roof...


EN ISO 6946:1996/prA2

Building components and building elements - Thermal resistance and thermal transmittance - Calculation method (ISO 6946:1996/DAM 2:2003)

Revised text for Annex D.3. "Correction for mechanical fasteners".


Calculation of the optimum economical thickness of insulating layers

Text is not available


prEN 13947

Thermal performances of curtain walling - Calculation of thermal transmittance - Simplified method

Progetto ritirato e successivamente ripreso come WI 0089101.


prEN 15201

Energy performance of buildings - Calculation of energy use for space heating and cooling - Simplified methods

This standard specifies the assumptions, boundary conditions and validation...


Ways of expressing requirements on thermal comfort - Assessment of air and...

Text is not available


Ways of expressing thermal requirements in order to avoid surface...

Text is not available


Cold stores and freezing chambers - Calculation of transmission losses and...

Text is not available


CEN/TC 89 N 357

Thermal performance of building components and equipment - Calculation of the...

General method for calculating the cost-effective thickness of insulation for...


prEN ISO 23995

Thermal insulation for building equipment and industrial installations - Thermal transmittance - Determination of correction terms (ISO/DIS 23995:2004)

Text is not available


prEN ISO 12572 rev

Hygrothermal performance of building materials and products - Determination...

Text is not available


In situ testing of thermal properties - Thermography of installations and...

Text is not available


EN ISO 7345:1995/prA1

Thermal insulation - Physical quantities and definitions (ISO 7345:1987)



EN ISO 15927-5:2004/A1:2011/prAC

Hygrothermal performance of buildings - Calculation and presentation of...



prEN ISO 6781-1

Performance of buildings - Detection of heat air and moisture irregulartites...

This part of ISO 6781 specifies the general procedures for thermography of...


prEN ISO 10077-2 rev

Thermal performance of windows, doors and shutters - Calculation of thermal...



prEN ISO 12631 rev

Thermal performance of curtain walling - Calculation of thermal transmittance


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