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Path: Home » Attività Normativa » CT 245 - Impianti frigoriferi: refrigerazione industriale e commerciale » CEN/TC 044 » Tutti i messaggi
In questa sezione è riportata tutta la documentazione del Gruppo Consultivo o della Commissione Tecnica, suddivisa tra attività nazionale svolta direttamente e attività CEN e/o ISO svolta dalla CT in qualittà di Mirror Committee.
11/11/2015 |
Documento di Lavoro |
CEN/TC 044/WG 04 |
035 |
20/01/2016 |
Documento di Lavoro |
CEN/TC 044/WG 04 |
042 |
11/10/2016 |
Votazione |
CEN/TC 044/WG 04 |
057 |
01/06/2016 |
Documento di Lavoro |
CEN/TC 044/WG 04 |
051 |
29/01/2016 |
Documento di Lavoro |
CEN/TC 044/WG 06 |
040 |
29/01/2016 |
Documento di Lavoro |
CEN/TC 044/WG 06 |
042 |
30/06/2014 |
Documento di Lavoro |
CEN/TC 044/WG 02 |
074 |
05/02/2013 |
Draft Standard |
CEN/TC 044 |
227 |
DLC10127 |
12/04/2016 |
Documento di Lavoro |
CEN/TC 044/WG 02 |
109 |
08/05/2014 |
Draft Standard |
CEN/TC 044/WG 02 |
068 |
18/04/2014 |
Votazione |
CEN/TC 044/WG 05 |
010 |
05/05/2014 |
02/08/2019 |
Documento di Lavoro |
CEN/TC 044/WG 01 |
136 |
02/07/2018 |
Documento di Lavoro |
CEN/TC 044/WG 05 |
30 |
16/10/2020 |
Documento di Lavoro |
CEN/TC 044/WG 01 |
250 |
27/11/2015 |
Draft Standard |
CEN/TC 044 |
350 |
16/01/2018 |
Resoconto Riunione |
CEN/TC 044/WG 04 |
063 |
26/01/2017 |
Resoconto Riunione |
Draft Minutes Eco-design Coordination Group meeting held on 2016-11-23 |
CEN/TC 044 |
412 |
29/07/2016 |
Resoconto Riunione |
CEN/TC 044 |
393 |
06/08/2018 |
Resoconto Riunione |
CEN/TC 044/WG 02 |
140 |
26/10/2017 |
Resoconto Riunione |
CEN/TC 044 |
449 |
04/05/2012 |
Resoconto Riunione |
Draft minutes of CEN/TC 44 1st meeting in Milan - 23rd March, 2012 |
CEN/TC 044 |
217 |
DLC10110 |
23/04/2013 |
Resoconto Riunione |
Draft minutes of CEN/TC 44 2nd meeting in Milan - 22nd March, 2013 |
CEN/TC 044 |
239 |
DLC10144 |
10/04/2014 |
Resoconto Riunione |
Draft minutes of CEN/TC 44 3rd meeting held in Milan on 20 March, 2014 |
CEN/TC 044 |
281 |
DLC10208 |
02/05/2016 |
Resoconto Riunione |
Draft minutes of CEN/TC 44 meeting held in Milan – 24 March, 2016 |
CEN/TC 044 |
384 |
24/04/2015 |
Resoconto Riunione |
Draft minutes of CEN/TC 44 meeting held in Milan on 31 March, 2015 |
CEN/TC 044 |
318 |
25/05/2018 |
Resoconto Riunione |
Draft minutes of CEN/TC 44 meeting in Milan – 21 March, 2018 |
CEN/TC 044 |
473 |
17/04/2019 |
Resoconto Riunione |
Draft minutes of CEN/TC 44 meeting in Milan – 21 March, 2019 |
CEN/TC 044 |
504 |
02/05/2017 |
Resoconto Riunione |
Draft minutes of CEN/TC 44 meeting in Milan – 23 March, 2017 |
CEN/TC 044 |
440 |
01/04/2020 |
Resoconto Riunione |
CEN/TC 044 |
526 |
06/12/2019 |
Resoconto Riunione |
Draft minutes of CEN/TC 44/WG 1 WEB meeting in Milan – 25th November, 2019 |
CEN/TC 044/WG 01 |
150 |
12/03/2020 |
Resoconto Riunione |
Draft minutes of CEN/TC 44/WG 1 WEB meeting in Milan – 27th January, 2020 |
CEN/TC 044/WG 01 |
166 |
26/11/2018 |
Resoconto Riunione |
Draft minutes of CEN/TC 44/WG 2 Call Conference – 19th November 2018 |
CEN/TC 044/WG 02 |
141 |
20/03/2018 |
Resoconto Riunione |
Draft minutes of CEN/TC 44/WG 2 Call Conference – 5th March 2018 |
CEN/TC 044/WG 02 |
132 |
05/05/2017 |
Resoconto Riunione |
Draft minutes of CEN/TC 44/WG 2 fifteenth meeting in Milan – 22nd March 2017 |
CEN/TC 044/WG 02 |
123 |
24/06/2014 |
Resoconto Riunione |
Draft minutes of CEN/TC 44/WG 2 meeting held in Milan on 19-20 May 2014 |
CEN/TC 044/WG 02 |
072 |
10/07/2015 |
Resoconto Riunione |
Draft minutes of CEN/TC 44/WG 2 meeting in Treviso – 27th to 29th May 2015 |
CEN/TC 044/WG 02 |
095 |
26/01/2018 |
Resoconto Riunione |
Draft minutes of CEN/TC 44/WG 2 sixteenth meeting in Milan – 16th November 2017 |
CEN/TC 044/WG 02 |
127 |
27/07/2016 |
Resoconto Riunione |
Draft minutes of CEN/TC 44/WG 4 10th meeting in Milan – 27th May 2016 |
CEN/TC 044/WG 04 |
053 |
05/10/2016 |
Resoconto Riunione |
Draft minutes of CEN/TC 44/WG 4 11th meeting in Milan – 7th September 2016 |
CEN/TC 044/WG 04 |
056 |
23/12/2015 |
Resoconto Riunione |
Draft minutes of CEN/TC 44/WG 4 8th meeting in Milan – 12th and 13th November 2015 |
CEN/TC 044/WG 04 |
041 |
28/03/2014 |
Resoconto Riunione |
Draft minutes of CEN/TC 44/WG 4 sixth meeting held in Milan on 3rd February 2014 |
CEN/TC 044/WG 04 |
026 |
05/06/2018 |
Resoconto Riunione |
Draft minutes of CEN/TC 44/WG 5 fifth meeting in Milan – 18th April, 2018 |
CEN/TC 044/WG 05 |
28 |
06/11/2015 |
Resoconto Riunione |
Draft minutes of CEN/TC 44/WG 5 fourth meeting held in Milan on 9th September, 2015 |
CEN/TC 044/WG 05 |
020 |
18/04/2014 |
Resoconto Riunione |
Draft minutes of CEN/TC 44/WG 5 second meeting held in Milan on 2nd April, 2014 |
CEN/TC 044/WG 05 |
009 |
18/04/2014 |
Resoconto Riunione |
Draft minutes of CEN/TC 44/WG 5 second meeting held in Milan –2nd April, 2014 |
CEN/TC 044/WG 05 |
009 |
03/12/2018 |
Resoconto Riunione |
Draft minutes of CEN/TC 44/WG 5 sixth meeting in Milan – 13th June, 2018 |
CEN/TC 044/WG 05 |
031 |
10/03/2016 |
Resoconto Riunione |
Draft minutes of CEN/TC 44/WG 6 fifth meeting in Milan – 26th and 27th January, 2016 |
CEN/TC 044/WG 06 |
044 |
03/03/2016 |
Resoconto Riunione |
Draft Minutes of the 9th meeting of CEN/TC 44/WG 4, 20th and 21st January, 2016, Milan |
CEN/TC 044/WG 04 |
048 |
16/02/2017 |
Resoconto Riunione |
Draft minutes of the fourteenth meeting in Milan – 20th December 2016 |
CEN/TC 044/WG 02 |
120 |
07/10/2019 |
Resoconto Riunione |
Draft minutes of the meeting of CEN/TC 44/WG 1, 10th September, 2019, Milan |
CEN/TC 044/WG 01 |
138 |
10/09/2014 |
Resoconto Riunione |
Draft minutes of the ninth meeting of CEN/TC 44/WG 2 held on 16-17 July 2014 in Milan |
CEN/TC 044/WG 02 |
078 |
07/04/2015 |
Resoconto Riunione |
Draft minutes of the tenth meeting of CEN/TC 44/WG 2 held on 4-5 March 2015 in Milan |
CEN/TC 044/WG 02 |
087 |
05/11/2015 |
Resoconto Riunione |
Draft minutes of WG 2 meeting held in Bergamo on 10-11 September 2015 |
CEN/TC 044/WG 02 |
102 |
30/10/2015 |
Resoconto Riunione |
CEN/TC 044/WG 04 |
033 |
27/10/2021 |
Documento di Lavoro |
CEN/TC 044 |
574 |
27/10/2021 |
Documento di Lavoro |
CEN/TC 044 |
575 |
18/05/2021 |
Documento di Lavoro |
Draft reference configuration_Roll-In open and closed_Carrier |
CEN/TC 044/WG 01 |
352 |
02/12/2020 |
Documento di Lavoro |
CEN/TC 044/WG 01 |
267 |
28/11/2013 |
Documento di Lavoro |
Draft report CEN/CENELEC ECO-CG meeting meeting held on 2013-11-06 |
CEN/TC 044 |
258 |
DLC10173 |
13/06/2013 |
Documento di Lavoro |
CEN/TC 044 |
244 |
DLC10152 |
12/04/2005 |
Documento di Lavoro |
Draft report of the joint meeting CEN/TC 44/WG 1 and ISO/TC 86/SC 7 Dusseldorf 24th February 2005 |
CEN/TC 044 |
0064 |
BNZ00087 |
24/07/2006 |
Resoconto Riunione |
Draft report of the joint meeting CEN/TC 44/WG1 and ISO/TC 86/SC 7 - Milan 15th May 2006 |
CEN/TC 044 |
0069 |
DLC00034 |
26/08/2010 |
Resoconto Riunione |
Draft report of the joint meeting CEN/TC 44/WG1 and ISO/TC 86/SC 7 - Milan, 29th June, 2010 |
CEN/TC 044 |
105 |
DLC10030 |
28/03/2008 |
Report Attività |
Draft report of the joint meeting CEN/TC 44/WG1 and ISO/TC 86/SC 7 Düsseldorf, 28th February, 2008 |
CEN/TC 044 |
0076 |
DLC00128 |
13/01/2009 |
Resoconto Riunione |
Draft report of the joint meeting CEN/TC 44/WG1 and ISO/TC 86/SC 7 Milan, 1st October, 2008 |
CEN/TC 044/WG 01 |
0090 |
DLC00148 |
30/11/2011 |
Votazione |
CEN/TC 044 |
188 |
24/01/2012 |
DLC10054 |
01/04/2017 |
Draft Standard |
CEN/TC 044/WG 07 |
6 |
20/04/2017 |
0006 |
25/03/2014 |
Draft Standard |
CEN/TC 044 |
279 |
DLC10206 |
25/03/2014 |
Draft Standard |
CEN/TC 044 |
278 |
DLC10205 |
26/05/2021 |
Convocazione |
CEN/TC 044/WG 01 |
358 |
09/05/2022 |
Convocazione |
CEN/TC 044/WG 01 |
404 |
20/07/2023 |
Convocazione |
CEN/TC 044/WG 05 |
079 |
05/06/2023 |
Convocazione |
CEN/TC 044/WG 06 |
055 |
10/02/2022 |
Convocazione |
CEN/TC 044/WG 05 |
046 |
23/04/2021 |
Convocazione |
CEN/TC 044/WG 01 |
347 |
06/10/2023 |
Documento di Lavoro |
CEN/TC 044 |
655 |
08/07/2022 |
Convocazione |
CEN/TC 044/WG 05 |
060 |
20/12/2021 |
Convocazione |
CEN/TC 044/WG 01 |
388 |
13/05/2022 |
Convocazione |
CEN/TC 044/WG 05 |
051 |
09/06/2021 |
Convocazione |
CEN/TC 044/WG 01 |
368 |
25/07/2022 |
Convocazione |
CEN/TC 044 |
606 |
13/05/2021 |
Convocazione |
CEN/TC 044/WG 01 |
351 |
11/07/2023 |
Convocazione |
CEN/TC 044/WG 05 |
074 |
06/09/2023 |
Convocazione |
CEN/TC 044/WG 06 |
067 |
08/04/2021 |
Convocazione |
CEN/TC 044/WG 01 |
340 |
05/07/2023 |
Convocazione |
CEN/TC 044/WG 06 |
058 |
13/06/2022 |
Convocazione |
CEN/TC 044/WG 01 |
405-407 |
31/03/2022 |
Convocazione |
CEN/TC 044/WG 01 |
398-400 |
01/12/2021 |
Convocazione |
CEN/TC 044/WG 05 |
038 |
17/03/2022 |
Convocazione |
CEN/TC 044 |
584 |
24/02/2023 |
Convocazione |
CEN/TC 044 |
621 |
17/05/2022 |
Convocazione |
CEN/TC 044/WG 05 |
055 |
03/11/2021 |
Convocazione |
CEN/TC 044/WG 05 |
035 |
08/11/2022 |
Convocazione |
CEN/TC 044/WG 04 |
068 |
30/11/2022 |
Documento di Lavoro |
CEN/TC 044/WG 04 |
070 |
06/07/2021 |
Convocazione |
CEN/TC 044/WG 01 |
378 |
23/12/2021 |
Convocazione |
CEN/TC 044/WG 05 |
043 |
18/01/2022 |
Convocazione |
CEN/TC 044/WG 01 |
393 |
17/06/2021 |
Convocazione |
CEN/TC 044/WG 01 |
373 |
22/03/2021 |
Convocazione |
CEN/TC 044/WG 02 |
333 |