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CT 272 - Sistemi di automazione e controllo per la gestione dell'energia e del comfort negli edifici

Coordinatore CT: Fabrizio Enrico - Project Leader: Nidasio Roberto - Project Assistant: N.D. - Maggiori Informazioni

In questa sezione è riportata tutta la documentazione del Gruppo Consultivo o della Commissione Tecnica, suddivisa tra attività nazionale svolta direttamente e attività CEN e/o ISO svolta dalla CT in qualittà di Mirror Committee.

ISO/TC 205 - Building environment design

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Codice Norma



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ISO 23045

ISO 23045:2008

Building environment design - Guidelines to assess energy efficiency of new buildings

ISO 23045:2008 gives guidelines related to energy efficiency in buildings as introduced in ISO 16813.
The objectives of ISO 23045:2008 are to assist designers and practitioners when collecting and providing the useful data that are required at different stages of the design process and to fulfil the definitions of the building as prepared by building designers.

This International Standard applies to new buildings and is applicable to space air-conditioning equipment and the heating plant in new buildings.

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ISO 16818

ISO 16818:2008

Building environment design - Energy efficiency - Terminology

ISO 16818:2008 gives terms and definitions for use in the design of energy efficient buildings. ISO 16818:2007 is applicable to new buildings and retrofitted existing buildings.

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ISO 16814

ISO 16814:2008

Building environment design - Indoor air quality - Methods of expressing the quality of indoor air for human occupancy

ISO 16814:2008 is intended to specify methods to express the quality of indoor air suitable for human occupancy, to allow several acceptable target levels of indoor air quality, depending on local requirements, constraints and expectations.

ISO 16814:2008 does not apply to residential buildings, industrial buildings and hospitals although those parts of such buildings that are similar to commercial buildings are covered.

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ISO 16813

ISO 16813:2006

Building environment design - Indoor environment - General principles

ISO 16813:2006 establishes the general principles of building environment design taking into account healthy indoor environment for the occupants, and protecting the environment for future generations. ISO16813:2006 promotes an approach in which the various parties involved in building environmental design collaborate with one another to provide a sustainable building environment.

The unique features of the design process are articulated by the following aims:
-to provide the constraints concerning sustainability issues from the initial stage of the design process, including building and plant life cycle together with owning and operating costs to be considered at all stages in the design process;
-to assess the proposed design with rational criteria for indoor air quality, thermal comfort, acoustical comfort, visual comfort, energy efficiency and HVAC system controls at every stage of the design process;
-to make iterations between decisions and evaluations of the design throughout the design process.

ISO16813:2006 is applicable to building environment design for new construction and the retrofit of existing buildings.

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ISO 16484-3

ISO 16484-3:2005

Building automation and control systems - Part 3: Functions

ISO 16484-3:2005 specifies the requirements for the overall functionality and engineering services to achieve building automation and control systems. It defines terms, which shall be used for specifications and it gives guidelines for the functional documentation of project/application specific systems.

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ISO 16484-2

ISO 16484-2:2004

Building automation and control systems (BACS) - Part 2: Hardware

ISO 16484-2:2004 specifies the requirements for the hardware to perform the tasks within a building automation and control system (BACS). It provides the terms, definitions and abbreviations for the understanding of ISO 16484-2 and ISO 16484-3.

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ISO 13153

ISO 13153:2012

Framework of the design process for energy-saving single-family residential and small commercial buildings


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ISO 13675

ISO 13675:2013

Heating systems in buildings — Method and design for calculation of the system energy performance — Combustion systems (boilers)


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ISO 16817:2017

ISO 16817:2017

Building environment design - Indoor environment - Design process for the visual environment


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ISO/TR 16822

ISO/TR 16822:2016

Building environment design - List of test procedures for heating, ventilating, air-conditioning and domestic hot water equipment related to energy efficiency


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ISO 18566-1

ISO 18566-1:2017

Building environment design - Design, test methods and control of hydronic radiant heating and cooling panel systems - Part 1: Vocabulary, symbols, technical specifications and requirements


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ISO 18566-2

ISO 18566-2:2017

Building environment design - Design, test methods and control of hydronic radiant heating and cooling panel systems - Part 2: Determination of heating and cooling capacity of ceiling mounted radiant panels


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ISO 18566-3

ISO 18566-3:2017

Building environment design - Design, test methods and control of hydronic radiant heating and cooling panel systems - Part 3: Design of ceiling mounted radiant panels


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ISO 18566-4

ISO 18566-4:2017

Building environment design - Design, test methods and control of hydronic radiant heating and cooling panel systems -- Part 4: Control of ceiling mounted radiant heating and cooling panels


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ISO 17800

ISO 17800:2017

Facility Smart Grid Information Model


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ISO 19454:2019

ISO 19454:2019

Building environment design — Indoor environment — Daylight opening design for sustainability principles in visual environment


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ISO 11855-7:2019

ISO 11855-7:2019

Building environment design — Design, dimensioning, installation and control of embedded radiant heating and cooling systems — Part 7: Input parameters for the energy calculation


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ISO 19455-1:2019

ISO 19455-1:2019

Planning for functional performance testing for building commissioning — Part 1: Secondary hydronic pump, system and associated controls


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ISO 18566-6:2019

ISO 18566-6:2019

Building environment design — Design, test methods and control of hydronic radiant heating and cooling panel systems — Part 6: Input parameters for the energy calculation


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ISO 22510:2019

ISO 22510:2019

Open data communication in building automation, controls and building management — Home and building electronic systems — KNXnet/IP communication


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ISO 52031:2020

ISO 52031:2020

Energy performance of buildings — Method for calculation of system energy requirements and system efficiencies — Space emission systems (heating and cooling)


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ISO 52120-1:2021

ISO 52120-1:2021

Energy performance of buildings — Contribution of building automation, controls and building management — Part 1: General framework and procedures


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ISO/TR 52120-2:2021

ISO/TR 52120-2:2021

Energy performance of buildings — Contribution of building automation, controls and building management — Part 2: Explanation and justification of ISO 52120-1


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ISO 52127-1:2021

ISO 52127-1:2021

Energy performance of buildings — Building management system — Part 1: Module M10-12


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ISO/TR 52127-2:2021

ISO/TR 52127-2:2021

Energy performance of buildings — Building automation, controls and building management — Part 2: Explanation and justification of ISO 52127-1


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ISO 16484-6:2020

ISO 16484-6:2020

Building automation and control systems (BACS) — Part 6: Data communication conformance testing


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ISO 22185-1:2021

ISO 22185-1:2021

Diagnosing moisture damage in buildings and implementing countermeasures — Part 1: Principles, nomenclature and moisture transport mechanisms


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ISO 52032-1:2022

ISO 52032-1:2022

Energy performance of buildings — Energy requirements and efficiencies of heating, cooling and domestic hot water (DHW) distribution systems — Part 1: Calculation procedures


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ISO/TS 23764:2021

ISO/TS 23764:2021

Methodology for achieving non-residential zero-energy buildings (ZEBs)


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 ISO 52032-1:2022

 ISO 52032-1:2022

Energy performance of buildings — Energy requirements and efficiencies of heating, cooling and domestic hot water (DHW) distribution systems — Part 1: Calculation procedures


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ISO 24365:2022

ISO 24365:2022

Radiators and convectors — Methods and rating for determining the heat output


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ISO 11855-1:2021/Amd

ISO 11855-1:2021/Amd 1:2023

Building environment design — Embedded radiant heating and cooling systems — Part 1: Definitions, symbols, and comfort criteria — Amendment 1


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ISO 16484-5:2022

ISO 16484-5:2022

Building automation and control systems (BACS) — Part 5: Data communication protocol


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ISO 11855-8:2023

ISO 11855-8:2023

Building environment design — Design, dimensioning, installation and control of embedded radiant heating and cooling systems — Part 8: Electrical heating systems


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ISO 22185-2:2024

ISO 22185-2:2024

Diagnosing moisture damage in buildings and implementing countermeasures — Part 2: Assessment of conditions


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 ISO 16484-1:2024

 ISO 16484-1:2024

Building automation and control systems (BACS) — Part 1: Project specification and implementation


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ISO 11855-7:2019/Amd

ISO 11855-7:2019/Amd 1:2024

Building environment design — Design, dimensioning, installation and control of embedded radiant heating and cooling systems — Part 7: Input parameters for the energy calculation — Amendment 1


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ISO 11855-3:2021/Amd

ISO 11855-3:2021/Amd 1:2023

Building environment design — Embedded radiant heating and cooling systems — Part 3: Design and dimensioning — Amendment 1


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 ISO 11855-2:2021/Am

 ISO 11855-2:2021/Amd 1:2023

Building environment design — Embedded radiant heating and cooling systems — Part 2: Determination of the design heating and cooling capacity — Amendment 1


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ISO 11855-4:2021/Amd

ISO 11855-4:2021/Amd 1:2023

Building environment design — Embedded radiant heating and cooling systems — Part 4: Dimensioning and calculation of the dynamic heating and cooling capacity of Thermo Active Building Systems (TABS) — Amendment 1


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ISO 11855-5:2021/Amd

ISO 11855-5:2021/Amd 1:2023

Building environment design — Embedded radiant heating and cooling systems — Part 5: Installation — Amendment 1


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ISO 11855-6:2018/Am

ISO 11855-6:2018/Amd 1:2023

Building environment design — Design, dimensioning, installation and control of embedded radiant heating and cooling systems — Part 6: Control — Amendment 1


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ISO 13612-1

ISO 13612-1:2014

Heating and cooling systems in buildings - Method for calculation of the system performance and system design for heat pump systems - Part 1: Design and dimensioning

This standard is a part of a series of standards on the method for calculation of heating system energy requirements and heating and cooling system efficiencies, according working program of WG9 "heating and cooling systems".
This standard covers heat pumps for space heating and cooling, heat pump water heaters (HPWH) and heat pumps with combined space heating and cooling and domestic hot water production in alternate or simultaneous operation, where the same heat pump delivers the heat to cover the space heating and cooling, and domestic hot water heat requirement.
The scope of this part is to standardise the required inputs, the calculation methods, the required outputs for heat generation for space heating and domestic hot water production of the following heat pump systems, including control: electrically-driven vapour compression cycle (VCC) heat pumps, combustion engine-driven vapour compression cycle heat pumps, thermally-driven vapour absorption cycle (VAC) heat pumps.

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ISO 13612-2

ISO 13612-2:2014

Heating and cooling systems in buildings - Method for calculation of the system performance and system design for heat pump systems - Part 2: Energy calculation

The standard covers heat pumps for space heating and cooling, heat pump water heaters (HPWH) and heat pumps with combined space heating (and or cooling) and domestic hot water production in alternate or simultaneous operation, where the same heat pump delivers the heat to cover the space heating and domestic hot water heat requirement.

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Norme ritirate

Codice progetto

Codice Norma



Pubblicazione UNI

ISO 16484-6

ISO 16484-6:2009

Building automation and control systems (BACS) - Part 6: Data communication conformance testing

ISO 16484-6:2005 defines a standard method for verifying that an implementation of the BACnet protocol provides each capability claimed in its Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement (PICS) in conformance with the BACnet standard (ISO 16484-5).

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ISO 16817

ISO 16817:2012

Building environment design - Indoor environment - Design process visual environment

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ISO 16484-5

ISO 16484-5:2003

Building automation and control systems - Part 5: Data communication protocol

This series of European Standards is intended for design of new buildings and retrofit of existing buildings for an acceptable indoor environment, practical energy conservation and efficiency. This part defines data communication services and protocols for computer equipment used for monitoring and control of heating, ventilation, air-conditioning and refrigeration (HVAC&R) and other building systems.

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ISO 11855-1

ISO 11855-1:2012

Building environment design — Design, dimensioning, installation and control of embedded radiant heating and cooling systems — Part 1: Definition, symbols, and comfort criteria

This standard shall stipulate the processes and conditions needed to design radiant heating and cooling systems embedded in the structures of the rooms. In addition, this standard includes the determination of heating and cooling capacity, dimensioning, dynamic analysis, installation, commissioning, operation, and control methods of radiant heating and cooling system.

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ISO 11855-2

ISO 11855-2:2012

Building environment design — Design, dimensioning, installation and control of embedded radiant heating and cooling systems — Part 2: Determination of the design heating and cooling capacity

This International Standard is applicable to water based surface heating and cooling systems in residential, commercial and industrial buildings.

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ISO 11855-3

ISO 11855-3:2012

Building environment design — Design, dimensioning, installation and control of embedded radiant heating and cooling systems — Part 3: Design and dimensioning

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ISO 11855-4

ISO 11855-4:2012

Building environment design — Design, dimensioning, installation and control of embedded radiant heating and cooling systems — Part 4: Dimensioning and calculation of the dynamic heating and cooling capacity of Thermo Active Building Systems (TABS)

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ISO/DIS 11855-5

ISO 11855-5:2012

Building environment design - Design , dimensioning, installation and control of embedded radiant heating and cooling systems - Part 5: Installation

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ISO 11855-6

ISO 11855-6:2012

Building environment design — Design, dimensioning, installation and control of embedded radiant heating and cooling systems — Part 6: Control

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ISO 16484-5

ISO 16484-5:2007

Building automation and control systems - Part 5: Data communication protocol

ISO 16484-5:2007 defines data communication services and protocols for computer equipment used for monitoring and control of heating, ventilation, air-conditioning and refrigeration (HVAC&R) and other building systems.
It defines, in addition, an abstract, object-oriented representation of information communicated between such equipment, thereby facilitating the application and use of digital control technology in buildings.

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ISO 16484-1

ISO/FDIS 16484-1:2010

Building automation and control systems (BACS) — Part 1: Project specification and implementation

This standard specifies general principles for project design and implementation and for the integration of other systems into the BACS

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ISO 16484-5

ISO 16484-5:2007/Amd 1:2009

Building automation and control systems - Part 5: Data communication protocol - Amendment 1

This Amendment is to add a number of indipendent substantive changes to the already published standard.

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ISO 16484-5

ISO 16484-5:2010

Building automation and control systems - Part 5: Data communication protocol


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ISO 16484-5

ISO 16484-5:2012

Building automation and control systems - Part 5: Data communication protocol


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ISO 16484-5 rev

ISO 16484-5:2014

Building automation and control systems (BACS) - Part 5: Data communication protocol


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ISO 16484-6 rev

ISO 16484-6:2014

Building automation and control systems (BACS) - Part 6: Data communication conformance testing


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ISO 11855-6:2018

ISO 11855-6:2018

Building environment design — Design, dimensioning, installation and control of embedded radiant heating and cooling systems — Part 6: Control


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ISO 16484-5 rev

ISO 16484-5:2017

Building automation and control systems (BACS) - Part 5: Data communication protocol


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ISO 11855-1:2021

ISO 11855-1:2021

Building environment design — Embedded radiant heating and cooling systems — Part 1: Definitions, symbols, and comfort criteria


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ISO 11855-2:2021

ISO 11855-2:2021

Building environment design — Embedded radiant heating and cooling systems — Part 2: Determination of the design heating and cooling capacity


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ISO 11855-3:2021

ISO 11855-3:2021

Building environment design — Embedded radiant heating and cooling systems — Part 3: Design and dimensioning


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ISO 11855-4:2021

ISO 11855-4:2021

Building environment design — Embedded radiant heating and cooling systems — Part 4: Dimensioning and calculation of the dynamic heating and cooling capacity of Thermo Active Building Systems (TABS)


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ISO 11855-1:2021

ISO 11855-1:2021

Building environment design — Embedded radiant heating and cooling systems — Part 1: Definitions, symbols, and comfort criteria


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ISO 16484-5:2017/Amd

ISO 16484-5:2017/Amd 1:2020

Building automation and control systems (BACS) — Part 5: Data communication protocol — Amendment 1


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ISO/CD 24365

ISO/CD 24365

Radiators and convectors — Methods and rating for determining the heat output


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ISO 11855-5:2021

ISO 11855-5:2021

Building environment design — Embedded radiant heating and cooling systems — Part 5: Installation


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