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Path: Home » Attività Normativa » CT 272 - Sistemi di automazione e controllo per la gestione dell'energia e del comfort negli edifici » CEN/TC 247 » Tutti i messaggi
In questa sezione è riportata tutta la documentazione del Gruppo Consultivo o della Commissione Tecnica, suddivisa tra attività nazionale svolta direttamente e attività CEN e/o ISO svolta dalla CT in qualittà di Mirror Committee.
16/12/2002 |
Inchiesta |
CEN/TC 247 |
28/05/2003 |
BLV00120 |
16/12/2002 |
Bollettino |
CEN/TC 247 |
28/05/2003 |
BLV00121 |
17/02/2003 |
Documento di Lavoro |
CEN/TC 247 |
BLV00125 |
12/03/2003 |
Inchiesta |
CEN/TC 247 |
31/03/2003 |
BLV00127 |
12/03/2003 |
Bollettino |
CEN/TC 247 |
31/03/2003 |
BLV00128 |
04/04/2003 |
Documento di Lavoro |
Open Ballot on ISO 16484-2, voting ends April 6th. - e-mail Hans R. Kranz - |
CEN/TC 247 |
BLV00129 |
12/05/2003 |
Documento di Lavoro |
Template for comments and secretariat observations prEN 12098- 4 |
CEN/TC 247 |
BLV00134 |
12/05/2003 |
Documento di Lavoro |
CEN/TC 247 |
BLV00139 |
12/05/2003 |
Documento di Lavoro |
CEN/TC 247 |
BLV00137 |
12/05/2003 |
Documento di Lavoro |
Proposition d’un second exemple pour la figure 4 du document EN 12098-4 |
CEN/TC 247 |
BLV00136 |
12/05/2003 |
Documento di Lavoro |
CEN/TC 247 |
BLV00135 |
12/05/2003 |
Documento di Lavoro |
CEN/TC 247 |
BLV00138 |
13/06/2003 |
Documento di Lavoro |
CEN/TC 247 |
BLV00148 |
13/06/2003 |
Documento di Lavoro |
WG 4 Proposal to CEN TC 247 plenary: standard family for data communication protocols |
CEN/TC 247 |
BLV00150 |
13/06/2003 |
Documento di Lavoro |
Proposal to CEN/TC 247/WG 4 - Open Standard Structure - Christer Scheja, TAC, Sweden |
CEN/TC 247 |
BLV00149 |
13/06/2003 |
Documento di Lavoro |
CEN/TC 247 |
BLV00151 |
11/07/2003 |
Documento di Lavoro |
CEN/TC 247 |
BLV00157 |
01/01/1998 |
Draft Standard |
CEN/TC 247 |
01/01/1998 |
Draft Standard |
Individual zone control for HVAC - Part 1: Heating systems for hot water and electrical heating |
CEN/TC 247 |
01/01/1998 |
Draft Standard |
Individual zone control for HVAC - Part 2: Fan coil and induction systems |
CEN/TC 247 |
01/01/1998 |
Draft Standard |
Individual zone control for HVAC - Part 3: Heating and air conditioning systems |
CEN/TC 247 |
01/01/1998 |
Draft Standard |
prEN ISO 16484-6 Data communication for HVAC application - Conformance testing |
CEN/TC 247 |
01/01/1998 |
Draft Standard |
CEN/TC 247 |
01/01/1998 |
Draft Standard |
CEN/TC 247 |
01/01/1998 |
Draft Standard |
Specification of control network protocol (LONWorks) - Part 1: Protocol specification |
CEN/TC 247 |
01/01/1998 |
Draft Standard |
Specification of control network protocol (LONWorks) - Part 2: Twisted pair communication |
CEN/TC 247 |
01/01/1998 |
Draft Standard |
CEN/TC 247 |
01/01/1998 |
Draft Standard |
CEN/TC 247 |
01/01/1998 |
Draft Standard |
CEN/TC 247 |
01/01/1998 |
Draft Standard |
Building Management Services - Part 1: General Terms and Definitions |
CEN/TC 247 |
01/01/1998 |
Draft Standard |
CEN/TC 247 |
01/01/1998 |
Draft Standard |
CEN/TC 247 |
01/01/1998 |
Draft Standard |
Definition of symbols for zone and room management and centralised heating controls. |
CEN/TC 247 |
30/07/2003 |
Inchiesta |
CEN/TC 247 |
BLV00160 |
30/07/2003 |
Inchiesta |
CEN/TC 247 |
27/08/2003 |
BLV00161 |
05/09/2003 |
Documento di Lavoro |
e-mail Manfred Schumacher - Call for Experts of CEN/TC247/WG5 and invitation to the first Meeting |
CEN/TC 247 |
BLV00168 |
08/09/2003 |
Inchiesta |
prEN ISO 16484-3 Building Automation and Control Systems - Part 3: Functionality |
CEN/TC 247 |
21/10/2003 |
BLV00181 |
08/09/2003 |
Inchiesta |
CEN/TC 247 |
BLV00180 |
08/09/2003 |
Documento di Lavoro |
CEN/TC 247 |
BLV00169 |
15/09/2003 |
Documento di Lavoro |
CEN/TC 247 |
BLV00183 |
06/10/2003 |
Inchiesta |
prEN 12098-5 Controls for heating systems - Part 5: Start-stop schedulers for heating systems |
CEN/TC 247 |
26/03/2004 |
BLV00186 |
20/11/2003 |
Documento di Lavoro |
Votazione Comitato Tecnico CEN/TC 247 WG 4 "Control Network Protocol" Part 1 e Part 2 |
CEN/TC 247 |
BLV00217 |
02/12/2003 |
Resoconto Riunione |
Liaison Report on ASHRAE SSPC135 to CEN/TC247 - Plenary Meeting 20/21-Oct-2003 |
CEN/TC 247 |
BLV00220 |
02/12/2003 |
Convocazione |
2nd Draft Agenda 20th CEN/TC247/WG4 Meeting in Vienna on 2003-11-21 |
CEN/TC 247 |
BLV00222 |
02/12/2003 |
Documento di Lavoro |
CEN/TC 247 |
BLV00223 |
02/12/2003 |
Documento di Lavoro |
CEN/TC 247 |
BLV00226 |
02/12/2003 |
Documento di Lavoro |
20th CEN/TC247/WG4 Meeting Vienna on 2003-11-21 - Information about CEN/TC247 |
CEN/TC 247 |
BLV00225 |
02/12/2003 |
Documento di Lavoro |
20th CEN/TC247/WG4 Meeting Vienna on 2003-11-/21 - LONWORKS - Status and further procedure |
CEN/TC 247 |
BLV00221 |
02/12/2003 |
Documento di Lavoro |
20th CEN/TC247/WG4 Meeting Vienna on 2003-11-/21 - BACNET - Status and further procedure |
CEN/TC 247 |
BLV00224 |
17/12/2003 |
Draft Standard |
Building Management Services - Part 1: General Terms and Definitions |
CEN/TC 247 |
BLV00239 |
17/12/2003 |
Documento di Lavoro |
CEN/TC 247 |
BLV00241 |
17/12/2003 |
Documento di Lavoro |
Assignment of Exploitation Rights - Date of meeting: 2003-11-25 - Place of meeting: Frankfurt |
CEN/TC 247 |
BLV00233 |
17/12/2003 |
Documento di Lavoro |
1st CEN/TC247/WG5 Meeting Frankfurt on 2003-11-25 - WG3 Functions EN ISO 16484-3 |
CEN/TC 247 |
BLV00237 |
17/12/2003 |
Documento di Lavoro |
1st CEN/TC247/WG5 Meeting Frankfurt on 2003-11-25 - Organisation of the work of WI 0247038 |
CEN/TC 247 |
BLV00238 |
17/12/2003 |
Documento di Lavoro |
1st CEN/TC247/WG5 Meeting Frankfurt on 2003-11-25 - Organisation of the work of WI 0247037 |
CEN/TC 247 |
BLV00236 |
17/12/2003 |
Documento di Lavoro |
CEN/TC 247 |
BLV00240 |
17/12/2003 |
Convocazione |
3nd Draft Agenda of the 1st CEN/TC247/WG5 in Frankfurt on 2003-11-25 |
CEN/TC 247 |
BLV00234 |
17/12/2003 |
Documento di Lavoro |
CEN/TC 247 |
BLV00235 |
06/04/2004 |
Inchiesta |
CEN/TC 247 |
BLV00252 |
06/04/2004 |
Inchiesta |
CEN/TC 247 |
BLV00254 |
06/04/2004 |
Inchiesta |
prEN 14908-1 - Specification of control network protocol (LONWorks) - Part 1: Protocol specification |
CEN/TC 247 |
18/09/2004 |
BLV00250 |
06/04/2004 |
Inchiesta |
CEN/TC 247 |
18/09/2004 |
BLV00253 |
22/04/2004 |
Draft Standard |
CEN/TC 247 |
BLV00258 |
07/10/2004 |
Inchiesta |
CEN/TC 247 |
BLV00266 |
07/10/2004 |
Inchiesta |
prEN ISO 16484-6 Data communication for HVAC application - Conformance testing |
CEN/TC 247 |
01/12/2004 |
BLV00267 |
07/10/2004 |
Inchiesta |
prEN ISO 16484-6 Data communication for HVAC application - Conformance testing |
CEN/TC 247 |
01/12/2004 |
BLV00272 |
13/10/2004 |
Documento di Lavoro |
e-mail Manfred Schumacher - CEN/TC247 N550-WI0247047-KNXnet_IP |
CEN/TC 247 |
BLV00275 |
13/10/2004 |
Documento di Lavoro |
CEN/TC 247 |
BLV00309 |
15/10/2004 |
Documento di Lavoro |
CEN/TC 247 |
BLV00294 |
18/10/2004 |
Documento di Lavoro |
CEN/TC 247 |
BLV00313 |
18/10/2004 |
Documento di Lavoro |
E-MAIL Manfred Schumacher - CEN/TC 247 meeting 26./27. 10.2004 in Brüssel-hotel+soci |
CEN/TC 247 |
BLV00283 |
18/10/2004 |
Documento di Lavoro |
E-MAIL Manfred Schumacher - CEN/TC 247 meeting 26./27. 10.2004 in Brussel-hotel+social event |
CEN/TC 247 |
BLV00286 |
18/10/2004 |
Documento di Lavoro |
CEN/TC 247 |
BLV00285 |
28/10/2004 |
Documento di Lavoro |
CEN/TC 247 |
BLV00318 |
10/02/2005 |
Inchiesta |
CEN/TC 247 |
26/06/2005 |
BLV00344 |
22/02/2005 |
Draft Standard |
CEN/TC 247 |
247WI221204 |
15/04/2005 |
Inchiesta |
CEN/TC 247 |
01/06/2005 |
BLV00349 |
15/04/2005 |
Inchiesta |
CEN/TC 247 |
01/06/2005 |
BLV00354 |
15/04/2005 |
Inchiesta |
CEN/TC 247 |
01/06/2005 |
BLV00352 |
26/04/2005 |
Inchiesta |
CEN/TC 247 |
BLV00350 |
28/04/2005 |
Inchiesta |
CEN/TC 247 |
14/09/2005 |
BLV00358 |
29/04/2005 |
Inchiesta |
CEN/TC 247 |
14/07/2005 |
BLV00360 |
04/05/2005 |
Inchiesta |
CEN/TC 247 |
21/06/2005 |
BLV00362 |
04/05/2005 |
Inchiesta |
CEN/TC 247 |
21/06/2005 |
BLV00364 |
22/06/2005 |
Inchiesta |
CEN/TC 247 |
02/11/2005 |
BLV00370 |
18/06/1998 |
Draft Standard |
ENV 13154-2:1998 - Data communication for HVAC application - Field net - Part 1: Objects |
CEN/TC 247 |
31/12/1999 |
Draft Standard |
CEN/TC 247 |
01/02/2000 |
Draft Standard |
ENV 13321-2:2000 Data communication for HVAC application - Automation net - Part 2: EIBnet |
CEN/TC 247 |
01/10/2000 |
Draft Standard |
ENV 13154-1:2000 Data communication for HVAC application - Field net - Part 1: Objects |
CEN/TC 247 |
01/04/2001 |
Draft Standard |
CEN/TC 247 |
01/12/2002 |
Draft Standard |
CEN/TC 247 |
01/12/1996 |
Draft Standard |
CEN/TC 247 |
18/07/2005 |
Documento di Lavoro |
E-MAIL Manfred Schumacher - CEN/TC247 N596-Enquiry report on prEN13321-2 |
CEN/TC 247 |
BLV00371 |
19/07/2005 |
Inchiesta |
CEN/TC 247 |
07/12/2005 |
BLV00376 |
19/07/2005 |
Inchiesta |
CEN/TC 247 |
07/12/2005 |
BLV00374 |
04/08/2005 |
Documento di Lavoro |
CEN/TC 247 |
BLV00380 |
01/09/2005 |
Documento di Lavoro |
E-MAIL Manfred Schumacher - CEN/TC 247-N602 +N 603(Approval) reports on prEN12098-4+5 |
CEN/TC 247 |
BLV00393 |
01/09/2005 |
Documento di Lavoro |
E-MAIL Manfred Schumacher - CEN/TC 247 -N600 +N 601(Approval) reports on prEN14908-1+2_LONWorks |
CEN/TC 247 |
BLV00392 |
01/09/2005 |
Documento di Lavoro |
CEN/TC 247 |
BLV00394 |
20/09/2005 |
Inchiesta |
CEN/TC 247 |
BLV00405 |