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CT 251 - Impianti di riscaldamento - Progettazione, fabbisogni di energia e sicurezza (UNI/TS 11300-2 e 11300-4)

Coordinatore CT: Ing. Socal Laurent Roberto - Project Leader: Nidasio Roberto - Project Assistant: N.D. - Maggiori Informazioni

In questa sezione è riportata tutta la documentazione del Gruppo Consultivo o della Commissione Tecnica, suddivisa tra attività nazionale svolta direttamente e attività CEN e/o ISO svolta dalla CT in qualittà di Mirror Committee.

CEN/TC 228 - Heating systems and water based cooling systems in buildings

Norme vigenti

Chiudi Tutti

Codice progetto

Codice Norma



Pubblicazione UNI



EN 14337:2005

Heating systems in buildings - Design and installation of direct electrical room heating systems

This standard specifies the design and installation criteria for electrical heating systems in individual and collective residential buildings, the commercial and industrial building sector.This standard covers fixed electrical heaters which emit heat directly into space by use of electricity only.The following systems are included:- electric instantaneous heating systems:- natural or fan convector heaters;- radiant panels;- ceiling heating;- infra-red and quartz linear heaters;- thin slab floor heating;- wall heating.- electric non-instantaneous heating systems:- full slab floor heating;- room storage heaters;- room storage fan heaters.This standard does not cover electric heating systems that require a transfer medium to deliver heat into the space. Examples of such systems include:- air conditioning or cooling systems;- unitary heat pumps;- window, through the wall and split system;- warm air distribution systems;- central storage serving hot water radiator or warm air systems;- hot water production, either storage or direct;- any individual appliance serving more than one room;- movable heaters.Requirements for installation, commissioning, and operation maintenance and use of direct electrical heating systems are excluded from this document.This standard does not overwrite national regulation.This standard does not override or add to requirements in appliance standards

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EN 14336:2004

Heating systems in buildings - Installation and commissioning of water based heating systems

This standard specifies the requirements for the installation and commissioning of water-based heating systems in buildings with a maximum operating temperature of 110oC and a maximum operating pressure of 6 bar.This standard does not cover the installation or commissioning of attached systems (e.g. air conditioning, domestic hot water or ventilation systems).

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EN 12831:2003

Heating systems in buildings. Method for calculation of the design heat load

This standard specifies methods for calculating the design heat loss and the design heat load for basic cases at the design conditions. Basic cases comprese all buildings:- with a limited room height (non exceeding 5 m)- assumed to be heated to steady state conditions under the design conditionsIn the annexes, information is also given for dealing with the following special cases:- high ceiling buildings or large enclosure- building where air temperature and mean radiant temperature differ significantly



EN 15377-3:2007

Heating systems in buildings - Design of embedded water based surface heating and cooling systems - Part 3: Optimizing for use of renewable energy sources

This document is applicable to water based surface heating and cooling systems in residential, commercial and industrial buildings. The methods apply to systems integrated into the wall, floor or ceiling construction without any open air gaps. The methods do not apply to heated or chilled ceiling panels or beams. The aim of the present Standard is to give a guide for the design for use of renewable energy sources and for the use of Thermo-Active-Building-Systems (TABS). The tool allows calculation of peak cooling capacity of a thermo-active system, based on heat gains (solar, internal loads, ventilation). This method also allows calculation of the energy demand on the water side (system) to be used for sizing of the cooling system, like chiller, fluid flow rate, etc. Steady state heating capacity is calculated according to method B or E, ref. Part 1 of this series of standards. The present standard requires input from the following standards: prEN 15377-1, prEN wi 16, prEN wi 17 and prEN wi 031 (see 2). The present standard provides input data to the following standards: prEN wi 12 (Calculation of room temperatures and of load and energy for buildings with room conditioning systems) and prEN wi 28 (Thermal performance of buildings - Calculation of internal temperatures of a room in summer without mechanical cooling - simplified methods).

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EN 15378:2007

Heating systems in buildings - Inspection of boilers and heating systems

This standard covers methods for the assessment of performances of existing heating systems.
Parts of heating systems covered by this standard are:
-boilers or heat supply equipment, including control;
-safety arrangements, including air supply;
-domestic hot water production facilities;
-energy sources, storage and supply;
-flue gas systems, including condensate treatment and disposal;
-heat distribution network, including associated components;
-heat emitters, including accessories;
-control system;
-water treatments and procedures (e.g. chemical and physical, including antifreeze).
This standard covers energy conservation, safety and environmental performances.

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EN 15450:2007

Heating systems in buildings - Design of heat pump heating systems

This standard specifies design criteria for heating systems in buildings using heat pumps alone or in combination with other heat generators.

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EN 15316-4-6:2007

Heating systems in buildings - Method for calculation of system energy requirements and system efficiencies - Part 4-6: Heat generation systems, photovoltaic systems

This standard is part of a set of standards on the method for calculation of system energy requirements and system efficiencies.
The scope of this specific part is to standardise:
- required inputs;
- calculation method;
- resulting outputs
for photovoltaic systems. The calculation method applies only to building integrated photovoltaic systems.

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EN 15377-1:2008

Heating systems in buildings - Design of embedded water based surface heating and cooling systems - Part 1: Determination of the design heating and cooling capacity

This European Standard is applicable to water based surface heating and cooling systems in residential, commercial and industrial buildings.
The methods apply to systems integrated into the wall, floor or ceiling construction without any open air gaps.
This standard provides steady-state calculation methods for determination of the heating and cooling capacity (part 1).

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UNI EN 12831-1:2018 (EN 12831-1:2017)

Energy performance of buildings - Method for calculation of the design heat load - Part 1: Space heating load, Module M3-3


Sì 08/03/2018

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UNI EN 12831-3:2018 (EN 12831-3:2017)

Energy performance of buildings - Method for calculation of the design heat load - Part 3: Domestic hot water systems heat load and characterisation of needs, Module M8-2, M8-3


Sì 22/02/2018

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UNI EN 15316-4-1:2018 (EN 15316-4-1:2017)

Energy performance of buildings - Method for calculation of system energy requirements and system efficiencies - Part 4-1: Space heating and DHW generation systems, combustion systems (boilers, biomass), Module M3-8-1, M8-8-1


Sì 22/02/2018

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UNI EN 15316-4-4:2018 (EN 15316-4-4:2017)

Energy performance of buildings - Method for calculation of system energy requirements and system efficiencies - Part 4-4: Heat generation systems, building-integrated cogeneration systems, Module M8-3-4, M8-8-4, M8-11-4


Sì 22/02/2018

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UNI EN 15316-4-5:2018 (EN 15316-4-5:2017)

Energy performance of buildings - Method for calculation of system energy requirements and system efficiencies - Part 4-5: District heating and cooling, Module M3-8-5, M4-8-5, M8-8-5, M11-8-5


Sì 22/02/2018

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UNI EN 15378-3:2018 (EN 15378-3:2017)

Energy performance of buildings - Heating and DHW systems in buildings - Part 3: Measured energy performance, Module M3-10, M8-10


Sì 01/03/2018

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UNI EN 15316-4-2:2018 (EN 15316-4-2:2017)

Energy performance of buildings - Method for calculation of system energy requirements and system efficiencies - Part 4-2: Space heating generation systems, heat pump systems, Module M3-8-2, M8-8-2


Sì 22/02/2018

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UNI EN 15459-1:2018 (EN 15459-1:2017)

Energy performance of buildings - Economic evaluation procedure for energy systems in buildings - Part 1: Calculation procedures, Module M1-14


Sì 08/03/2018

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UNI EN 15316-1:2018 (EN 15316-1:2017)

Energy performance of buildings - Method for calculation of system energy requirements and system efficiencies - Part 1: General and Energy performance expression, Module M3-1, M3-4, M3-9, M8-1, M8-4


Sì 22/02/2018

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UNI EN 15316-2:2018 (EN 15316-2:2017)

Energy performance of buildings - Method for calculation of system energy requirements and system efficiencies - Part 2: Space emission systems (heating and cooling), Module M3-5, M4-5


Sì 22/02/2018

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UNI EN 15316-3:2018 (EN 15316-3:2017)

Energy performance of buildings - Method for calculation of system energy requirements and system efficiencies - Part 3: Space distribution systems (DHW, heating and cooling), Module M3-6, M4-6, M8-6


Sì 22/02/2018

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UNI EN 15316-4-8:2018 (EN 15316-4-8:2017)

Energy performance of buildings - Method for calculation of system energy requirements and system efficiencies - Part 4-8: Space heating generation systems, air heating and overhead radiant heating systems, including stoves (local), Module M3-8-8


Sì 08/03/2018

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UNI EN 15316-5:2018 (EN 15316-5:2017)

Energy performance of buildings - Method for calculation of system energy requirements and system efficiencies - Part 5: Space heating and DHW storage systems (not cooling), Module M3-7, M8-7


Sì 22/02/2018

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UNI EN 15316-4-3:2018 (EN 15316-4-3:2017)

Energy performance of buildings - Method for calculation of system energy requirements and system efficiencies - Part 4-3: Heat generation systems, thermal solar and photovoltaic systems, Module M3-8-3, M8-8-3, M11-8-3


Sì 22/02/2018

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UNI EN 15378-1:2018 (EN 15378-1:2017)

Energy performance of buildings - Heating systems and DHW in buildings - Part 1: Inspection of boilers, heating systems and DHW, Module M3-11, M8-11


Sì 01/03/2018

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UNI CEN/TR 15316-6-7:2018 (CEN/TR 15316-6-7:2

Energy performance of buildings - Method for calculation of system energy requirements and system efficiencies - Part 6-7: Explanation and justification of EN 15316-4-4, Module M8-3-4, M8-8-4, M8-11-4


Sì 14/06/2018

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UNI CEN/TR 15316-6-9:2018 (CEN/TR 15316-6-9:2

Energy performance of buildings - Method for calculation of system energy requirements and system efficiencies - Part 6-9: Explanation and justification of EN 15316-4-8, Module M3-8-8


Sì 17/05/2018

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UNI CEN/TR 15459-2:2018 (CEN/TR 15459-2:2017)

Energy performance of buildings - Economic evaluation procedure for energy systems in buildings - Part 2: Explanation and justification of EN 15459-1, Module M1-14


Sì 14/06/2018

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UNI CEN/TR 15378-2:2018 (CEN/TR 15378-2:2017)

Energy performance of buildings - Heating systems and DHW in buildings - Part 2: Explanation and justification of EN 15378-1, Module M3-11 and M8-11


Sì 14/06/2018

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UNI CEN/TR 12831-2:2018 (CEN/TR 12831-2:2017)

Energy performance of buildings - Method for calculation of the design heat load - Part 2: Explanation and justification of EN 12831-1, Module M3-3


Sì 17/05/2018

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UNI CEN/TR 12831-4:2018 (CEN/TR 12831-4:2017)

Energy performance of buildings - Method for calculation of the design heat load - Part 4: Explanation and justification of EN 12831-3, Module M8-2, M8-3


Sì 14/06/2018

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UNI CEN/TR 15316-6-1:2018 (CEN/TR 15316-6-1:2

Energy performance of buildings- Method for calculation of system energy requirements and system efficiencies - Part 6-1: Explanation and justification of EN 15316-1, Module M3- 1, M3-4, M3-9, M8-1, M8-4


Sì 14/06/2018

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UNI CEN/TR 15378-4:2018 (CEN/TR 15378-4:2017)

Energy performance of buildings - Heating systems and DHW in buildings - Part 4: Explanation and justification of EN 15378-3, Module M3-10, M8-10


Sì 14/06/2018

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UNI CEN/TR 15316-6-5:2018 (CEN/TR 15316-6-5:2

Energy performance of buildings - Method for calculation of system energy requirements and system efficiencies - Part 6-5: Explanation and justification of EN 15316-4-2, Module M3-8


Sì 17/05/2018

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UNI CEN/TR 15316-6-6:2018 (CEN/TR 15316-6-6:2

Energy performance of buildings - Method for calculation of system energy performance and system efficiencies - Part 6-6: Explanation and justification of EN 15316-4-3, Module M3-8-3, M8-8-3


Sì 17/05/2018

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UNI CEN/TR 15316-6-8:2018 (CEN/TR 15316-6-8:2

Energy performance of buildings - Method for calculation of system energy requirements and system efficiencies - Part 6-8: Explanation and justification of EN 15316-4-5 (District heating and cooling), Module M3-8-5, M4-8-5, M8-8-5, M11-8-5


Sì 14/06/2018

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UNI CEN/TR 15316-6-10:2018 (CEN/TR 15316-6-10

Energy performance of buildings - Method for calculation of system energy requirements and system efficiencies - Part 6-10: Explanation and justification of EN 15316-5, Module M3-7, M8-7


Sì 17/05/2018

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UNI CEN/TR 15316-6-2:2018 (CEN/TR 15316-6-2:2

Energy performance of buildings - Method for calculation of system energy requirements and system efficiencies - Part 6-2: Explanation and justification of EN 15316-2, Module M3-5, M4-5


Sì 14/06/2018

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UNI CEN/TR 15316-6-3:2018 (CEN/TR 15316-6-3:2

Energy performance of buildings - Method for calculation of system energy requirements and system efficiencies - Part 6-3: Explanation and justification of 15316-3, Module M3-6, M4-6, M8-6


Sì 17/05/2018

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UNI CEN/TR 15316-6-4:2018 (CEN/TR 15316-6-4:2

Energy performance of buildings - Method for calculation of system energy requirements and system efficiencies - Part 6-4: Explanation and justification of EN 15316-4-1, Module M3-8-1, M8-8-1


Sì 14/06/2018

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UNI EN 15316-4-10:2018 (EN 15316-4-10:2017)

Energy performance of buildings - Method for calculation of system energy requirements and system efficiencies - Part 4-10: Wind power generation systems, Module M11-8-7


Sì 22/02/2018

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UNI EN 12828:2012+A1:2014

Heating systems in buildings - Design for water-based heating systems


Sì 20/05/2014



EN 15316-4-2:2017/AC:2017

Energy performance of buildings - Method for calculation of system energy requirements and system efficiencies - Part 4-2: Space heating generation systems, heat pump systems, Module M3-8-2, M8-8-2





UNI EN ISO 11855-1:2024

Building environment design - Embedded radiant heating and cooling systems - Part 1: Definitions, symbols, and comfort criteria - Amendment 1 (ISO 11855-1:2021/Amd 1:2023)


Sì 08/02/2024

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UNI EN ISO 11855-8:2024

Building environment design - Design, dimensioning, installation and control of embedded radiant heating and cooling systems - Part 8: Electrical heating systems (ISO 11855-8:2023)


Sì 15/02/2024

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UNI EN ISO 11855-3:2024

Building environment design - Embedded radiant heating and cooling systems - Part 3: Design and dimensioning - Amendment 1 (ISO 11855-3:2021/Amd 1:2023)


Sì 15/02/2024

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UNI EN ISO 11855-4:2024

Building environment design - Embedded radiant heating and cooling systems - Part 4: Dimensioning and calculation of the dynamic heating and cooling capacity of Thermo Active Building Systems (TABS) - Amendment 1 (ISO 11855-4:2021/Amd 1:2023)


Sì 15/02/2024

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UNI EN ISO 11855-5:2024

Building environment design - Embedded radiant heating and cooling systems - Part 5: Installation - Amendment 1 (ISO 11855-5:2021/Amd 1:2023)


Sì 15/02/2024

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UNI EN ISO 11855-2:2024

Building environment design - Embedded radiant heating and cooling systems - Part 2: Determination of the design heating and cooling capacity - Amendment 1 (ISO 11855-2:2021/DAM 1:2023)


Sì 15/02/2024

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UNI EN 17956:2024

Energy efficiency classes for technical insulation systems - Calculation method and applications


Sì 18/07/2024

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EN 12828:2012 (UNI EN 12828:2013)

Heating systems in buildings - Design for water-based heating systems

This standard specifies the design and installation criterial for water central heating systems with a maximum operating temperature of up to 110°C and a maximum operating pressure of up to 6 bar. 2) This standard covers the design and installation of: - heat supply systems; - heat distribution systems; - heat emission systems; - control system. 3) This standard covers water based heating systems in residential, commercial and industrial buildings.

Sì 05/02/2013

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Norme ritirate

Codice progetto

Codice Norma



Pubblicazione UNI


EN 12828:2003

Heating systems in buildings. Design for water-based heating systems

This standard specifies design criteria for water based heating systems in builidings with a maximum operating temperature of up to 105 °C. In case of heating systems with maximum operating temperatures over 105 °C other safety aspects than those described in 4.6 may apply. The other clauses of this standard are still valid for those systems

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EN 15459:2007 (UNI EN 15459:2008)

Energy performance of buildings - Economic evaluation procedure for energy systems in buildings

This standard provides a calculation method for the economical issues of heating systems and other systems that are involved in the energy demand and energy consumption of the building. This standard applies to all types of buildings.

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EN 15316-4-7:2008

Heating systems in buildings - Method for calculation of system energy requirements and system efficiencies - Part 4-7: Space heating generation systems, Biomass combustion systems

The standard shall apply to
- biogenic fuel like log wood, chipped wood, compressed wood like briquettes and pellets
- biomass combustion systems up to 300 kW nominal heat output
- for boilers with forced draught
- for boilers with manual stocking or automatic stocking
- for biomass combustion systems for the following operation modes:
- direct heat supplying to the distribution system
- systems installed with a storage tank (either a buffer storage tank or a load balancing tank)

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EN 15316-1:2007

Heating systems in buildings - Method for calculation of system energy requirements and system efficiencies - Part 1: General

The scope of this general part is to standardise the required inputs, the outputs and the links (structure) of the calculation method in order to achieve a common European calculation method. A common calculation method will help to facilitate the free circulation of services (optimisation of the energy performance, display of conventional
level of energy requirements) and products (software).
Ventilation systems are not included in this standard (e.g. balanced systems with heat recovery), but if the air is preheated or an air heating system is installed, system losses of these systems are covered by this standard.
The energy performance may be assessed either by values of the system efficiencies or by values of the system losses due to inefficiencies.
The calculation method is based on an analysis of the following parts of a space heating and domestic hot water system:
ù the emission system energy performance including control;
ù the distribution system energy performance including control;
ù the storage system energy performance including control;
ù the generation system energy performance including control (e.g. boilers, solar panels, heat pumps, cogeneration units).

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EN 15316-2-1:2007

Heating systems in buildings - Method for calculation of system energy requirements and system efficiencies - Part 2-1: Space heating emission systems

The scope of thes specific part is to standardise the required inputs, the outputs and the links (structure) of the calculation method in order to achieve a common European calculation method. The enerty performance may be assessed either by values of the heat emission system performance factor or by values of the heat emission system losses due to inefficiencies. The method is based on an analysis of the following characteristics of a space heat emission system including control: non-uniform space temperature distribution emitters embedded in the building structure control of the indoor temperature.

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EN 15316-2-3:2007

Heating systems in buildings - Method for calculation of system energy requirements and system efficiencies - Part 2.3: Space heating distribution systems

The distribution system is constituted by pipes, valves, pumps, etc. linking the heat generation to the heat emission.
The heat generation can be situated
- in the building (apartment, unheated space, etc)
- near the building (small scale district heating, block heating)
- far from the building (district heating).
distribution system starts at the output of the heat generation. Generation may be combustion, heat pump, solar, district heating or a combination of them.

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EN 15316-3-1:2007

Heating systems in buildings - Method for calculation of system energy requirements and system efficiencies - Part 3-1: Domestic hot water systems, characterisation of needs (tapping requirements)

This standard is part of a set of standards covering methods for the calculation of system energy requirements and system efficiencies of heating systems in buildings. In particular this standard is one of a number of standards dealing with domestic hot water systems.
The scope of this specific part is to standardise the methods for determining the domestic hot water requirements and the overall methodology for calculation of energy consumption and system efficiencies. This includes calculation of heat losses in the domestic hot water distribution system and in hot water storage units and calculation of energy inputs to the heat generation device producing the domestic hot water.

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EN 15316-3-2:2007

Heating systems in buildings - Method for calculation of system energy requirements and system efficiencies - Part 3-2: Domestic hot water systems, distribution

This standard is part of a set of standards covering methods for the calculation of system energy requirements and system efficiencies of heating systems in buildings. In particular this standard is one of a number of standards dealing with domestic hot water systems.
The scope of this specific part is to standardise the methods for calculation of heat losses from the domestic hot water distribution system. It will define the:
- the inputs
- the outputs
- the calculation method
The standard will cover the sanitary hot water requirements in all buildings.

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EN 15316-3-3:2007

Heating systems in buildings - Method for calculation of system energy requirements and system efficiencies - Part 3-3: Domestic hot water systems, generation

This standard is part of the method for calculation of system energy requirements and system efficiencies.
The scope of this specific part is to standardise the methods for calculation of the heat losses from the domestic hot water generation system and it defines the:
- inputs;
- outputs;
- calculation method.
This standard covers the domestic hot water requirements in all buildings.

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EN 15316-4-3:2007

Heating systems in buildings - Method for calculation of system energy requirements and system efficiencies - Part 4-3: Space heating generation systems, thermal solar systems

This standard is part of the method for calculation of system energy requirements and system efficiencies prEN 14335.
The scope of this specific part is to standardise
- the required inputs,
- the required outputs,
- the calculation method, of thermal solar systems, including its control, for heating, domestic hot water production and for combined heating and domestic hot water production.

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EN 15316-4-4:2007

Heating systems in buildings - Method for calculation of system energy requirements and system efficiencies - Part 4-4: Heat generation systems, building-integrated cogeneration systems

This standard defines a framework for determining the thermal and electrical performance of buildingintegrated cogeneration (or micro-CHP) installations.
The generated heat is used for heating, domestic hot water and eventually an absorption chiller. Peak boilers of conventional design are used when the heat output of the CHP plant is insufficient to meet the instantaneous heat demand.

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EN 15316-4-5:2007

Heating systems in buildings - Method for calculation of system energy requirements and system efficiencies - Part 4-5: Space heating generation systems, the performance and quality of district heating and large volume systems

This standard is presenting methods for the calculation of the quality of a district heating (outside the building) and the additional energy requirements of the substation (inside the building).
The calculation is based on the performance characteristics of the products given in product standards and on other characteristics required to evaluate the performance of the products as included in a system.

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EN 15316-4-1:2008

Heating systems in buildings - Method for calculation of system energy requirements and system efficiencies - Part 4-1: Space heating generation systems, combustion systems (boilers)

This European Standard is part of a series of standards on the method for calculation of system energy requirements and system efficiencies of space heating systems and domestic hot water systems.
The scope of this specific part is to standardise the:
- required inputs;
- calculation method;
- resulting outputs,
for space heating generation by combustion sub-systems (boilers), including control.
This European Standard is also intended for the case of generation for both domestic hot water production and space heating. The case of generation only for domestic hot water production is treated in EN 15316-3-3.

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EN 15316-4-2:2008

Heating systems in buildings - Method for calculation of system energy requirements and system efficiencies. Part 4-2 - Space heating generation systems, heat pump systems

This European Standard covers heat pumps for space heating, heat pump water heaters (HPWH) and heat pumps with combined space heating and domestic hot water production.The calculation method applies to the following heat pump systems, including control:
- electrically-driven heat pumps;
- combustion engine-driven heat pumps;
- thermally-driven vapour absorption cycle heat pumps.

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EN 15377-2:2008

Heating systems in buildings - Design of embedded water based surface heating and cooling systems - Part 2: Design, dimensioning and installation

This European Standard is applicable to water based surface heating and cooling systems in buildings as defined in prEN 15377-1.Physiological limitations are taken into account when specifying the maximum and minimum surface temperature. The design is based on performance characteristic curves and limit curves calculated in accordance with prEN 15377-1 and EN 1264.

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EN 15316-4-8:2011

Heating systems in buildings - Method for calculation of system energy requirements and system efficiencies - Part 4-8: Space heating generation systems, air heating and overhead radiant heating systems


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UNI EN ISO 11855-1:2015

Building environment design - Design, dimensioning, installation and control of embedded radiant heating and cooling systems - Part 1: Definition, symbols, and comfort criteria (ISO 11855-1:2012)


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UNI EN ISO 11855-2:2015

Building environment design - Design, dimensioning, installation and control of embedded radiant heating and cooling systems - Part 2: Determination of the design heating and cooling capacity (ISO 11855-2:2012)


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UNI EN ISO 11855-4:2015

Building environment design - Design, dimensioning, installation and control of embedded radiant heating and cooling systems - Part 4: Dimensioning and calculation of the dynamic heating and cooling capacity of Thermo Active Building Systems (TABS) (ISO 11855-4:2012)


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UNI EN ISO 11855-5:2015

Building environment design - Design , dimensioning, installation and control of embedded radiant heating and cooling systems - Part 5: Installation (ISO 11855-5:2012)


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UNI EN ISO 11855-3:2015

Building environment design - Design, dimensioning, installation and control of embedded radiant heating and cooling systems - Part 3: Design and dimensioning (ISO 11855-3:2012)


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UNI EN ISO 11855-1:2021

Building environment design - Embedded radiant heating and cooling systems - Part 1: Definitions, symbols, and comfort criteria (ISO 11855-1:2021)


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UNI EN ISO 11855-3:2021

Building environment design - Embedded radiant heating and cooling systems - Part 3: Design and dimensioning (ISO 11855-3:2021)


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UNI EN ISO 11855-4:2021

Building environment design - Embedded radiant heating and cooling systems - Part 4: Dimensioning and calculation of the dynamic heating and cooling capacity of Thermo Active Building Systems (TABS) (ISO 11855-4:2021)


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UNI EN ISO 11855-5:2021

Building environment design - Embedded radiant heating and cooling systems - Part 5: Installation (ISO 11855-5:2021)


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UNI EN ISO 11855-2:2021

Building environment design - Embedded radiant heating and cooling systems - Part 2: Determination of the design heating and cooling capacity (ISO 11855-2:2021)


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