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CA 3 - Direttiva EPBD

Coordinatore GL: N.D. - Project Leader: Nidasio Roberto - Project Assistant: N.D. - Maggiori Informazioni

In questa sezione è riportata tutta la documentazione dell'attività del Gruppo di Lavoro, suddivisa tra attività nazionale svolta direttamente e attività CEN e/o ISO svolta dal GL in qualità di Mirror Committee.

CT1 Session on Access of EPC Certification Databases by Real Estate Agents

Documento di Lavoro

Organo Tecnico: CA 3

This session followed a previous session on Use of EPC Labels in Advertising held in Vienna on Tuesday, 13th December 2011. It was common understanding that the EPC database might be an appropriate source of information for real estate agents. This discussion was the starting point for planning the current session on Access of EPC Certification Databases by Real Estate Agents. To prepare the session, a short questionnaire was sent out. Participants from 26 Member States answered the questionnaire. In 18 of these countries a central or regional database is implemented, 8 countries do not have a database (yet), and the rules regarding access to the databases differ.

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