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CEN/TC 054 - Progettazione e fabbricazione di attrezzature a pressione

Coordinatore GL: Ing. Balistreri Riccardo - Project Leader: Pinna Giuseppe - Project Assistant: Luppino Lucilla - Maggiori Informazioni

In questa sezione è riportata tutta la documentazione dell'attività del Gruppo di Lavoro, suddivisa tra attività nazionale svolta direttamente e attività CEN e/o ISO svolta dal GL in qualità di Mirror Committee.

Consultation of EU stakeholders on feasibility study for comparison of standards in the framework of the EU- China Working Group

Documento al voto

Data Documento: 27/04/2009
Organo Tecnico: CEN/TC 054 - Unfired pressure vessels

In the wider global market place for pressure equipment, there are trade opportunities for pressure equipment related to the state of development of the technology in various parts of the world, and the scope ranges from equipment used in Oil & Gas, Petrochemical and Chemical industries through boilers to consumer products such as fire extinguishers and pressure cookers. To assist this trade in a way which does not compromise safety of the end user and public at large, encouragement may be appropriate to the use of modern technical standards which reflect the body of knowledge built up over many years, with due regard to commercial aspects.

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