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CEN/TC 182 - Impianti frigoriferi: sicurezza e protezione dell'ambiente

Coordinatore GL: Ing. Redaelli Giovanni - ASSOCLIMA - Project Leader: Molinari Dario - Project Assistant: N.D. - Maggiori Informazioni

In questa sezione è riportata tutta la documentazione dell'attività del Gruppo di Lavoro, suddivisa tra attività nazionale svolta direttamente e attività CEN e/o ISO svolta dal GL in qualità di Mirror Committee.

prEN13313 for approval for formal vote at the next CEN/TC 182 meeting in Delft

Documento di Lavoro

Data Documento: 15/02/2010
Organo Tecnico: CEN/TC 182

This European Standard defines the activities related to refrigerating circuits and the associated competence profiles and establishes procedures for assessing the competence of persons who carry out these activities. NOTE As a refrigeration circuit is considered not to incorporate electrical and electronic systems activities in this area are not part of this standard. For competences on electrical and electronical systems. It is necessary to refer to national regulation or appropriate European or national standards. This European Standard does not apply to persons carrying out work on self contained refrigerating systems as defined in EN 378-1 from the initial design of the product to the complete manufacture of the product provided the process is controlled and the methods used are checked by an organisation or individual responsible for the compliance with statutory requirements of health, safety and environment.

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