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CEN/TC 089 - Isolanti e isolamento - Metodi di calcolo e di prova (UNI/TS 11300-1)

Coordinatore GL: prof. Corrado Vincenzo - Project Leader: Martino Anna - Project Assistant: N.D. - Maggiori Informazioni

In questa sezione è riportata tutta la documentazione dell'attività del Gruppo di Lavoro, suddivisa tra attività nazionale svolta direttamente e attività CEN e/o ISO svolta dal GL in qualità di Mirror Committee.

Revised document with Result of vote on Resolution 458

Report Inchieste

Data Documento: 22/03/2010
Organo Tecnico: CEN/TC 089

ISO/TC 163/SC 1 has approved a new work item to be elaborated under VA with CEN/TC 89: it relates to the revision of ISO 9972, with ISO lead. CEN/TC 89 Resolution 458: Agreement to revise ISO 9972 "Thermal performance of buildings – Determination of air change in buildings – Determination of air permeability of buildings - Fan pressurization method " and to have it harmonized with EN 3829 "Thermal insulation - Thermal performance of buildings - Determination of air permeability of buildings - Fan pressurization method" in Vienna Agreement with ISO lead. Resolution 458 was accepted. However, the document CEN/TC 89 N 1256, Result of vote on Resolution 458 contained by mistake reference to Resolution 457 and EN 12569. Enclosed document is the corrected version of Result of Resolution 458.

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